How to get an emoji domain for free. 🎉

Mert Erdir
from Company
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2016

I discovered this neat trick last night, and I wanted to share how I did it.

Disclaimer: Literally no one supports emoji domains yet. You can’t put it on your bio on Instagram, Twitter nor Facebook. Chrome doesn’t support them. The only uses I’ve found for them so far are: You can tweet them, and Safari supports them. They work great on mobile, not so great on desktop.

Do you still want a free emoji domain? Cool, let’s go to awesometown of emojis! 🙌

Step 1: Choose your favorite emoji.

A lot of emoji domains are already taken, so it’ll be a while until you find an emoji domain you like that’s available. Keep in mind that the most popular ones might not be free. I use Get Emoji to be fast because they list all emojis in one page.

Step 2: Convert it to punycode.

Domain registrar’s don’t accept emoji inputs yet, so you’ll have to use the so-called “punycode” of your emoji when registering your domain. It’s basically a representation of an emoji in latin characters. It should look like this: http://xn —

I use Punycoder because some other converters produced invalid codes.

Step 3 Check availability and register your free emoji domain. đź–Ą

This is the key part. I found Freenom, it offers 5 extensions that support non-latin characters and lets you register for free up to a year.

(Currently you can’t get an emoji domain on most extensions like “.com” because non-latin characters in domains make phishing a whole lot easier.)

All you have to do is paste the punycode of your favorite emoji and see if they have it available for free, then simply register with your email and you’re good to go! You don’t even need to provide a credit card.

⚠️ As with everything that’s free, there’s a catch. I checked their reviews online and I’m quite certain they’re shit. When you agree to their terms and conditions you’re basically agreeing that they own your domain and can take it back anytime they want, no questions asked. You can always pay for the domain if you want to lock it down for sure though. I got a price around $4 per year for an emoji domain.

That’s it! I’m no expert on domains so I can’t promise anything, but it’s definitely worth a try.

Update: A young entrepreneur named Shane reached out to me pitching emoji domains as a service. It’s not free, and I haven’t used his services so I can’t personally vouch for it. But if you’d like to just pay and have someone else deal with the whole punycode situation, go ahead and give Domainoji a try. Shane, I wish you the best of luck!

Let me know if this works for you!

Learn more about me: http://🙌.cf

Learn more about my company: http://🔍.ga

If you’re too lazy but rich: http://🎉.cf

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Update 2: None of these domains seem to work anymore. They worked for a year or so.

