Outsourcing to international suppliers and freelancers

Sandeep Todi
Published in
1 min readJun 8, 2018

Outsourcing non-core activities which require managerial bandwidth is the smart way of growing your business and ramping up your capabilities. Outsourcing of manufacturing has been prevalent for decades and outsourcing of services has become so big, it rivals the outsourcing of manufacturing.

However, any effort at outsourcing can boomerang if you do not dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Treating your outsourcing partner as an extension of your own team, and having an active relationship management process and feedback loop is key to making these relationships last.

Sometimes you may want to outsource to save cost. At other times it may be to get a 24x7 footprint for customer facing services. Yet again, it may be to source critical competencies which are not available in your region. REMITR brings you a simple-to-use guide in evaluating the factors to consider before outsourcing, including managing international payments without the stress of wire transfer.

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Sandeep Todi
Editor for

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