Fighting remittance ignorance

Remittances with Mondome


Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil. — Plato

As Plato said, not having knowledge of certain information will definitely end up with bad experiences for those who don´t have it.

In the remittance world, millions of people around the world are suffering every month when they send or receive money to/from relatives, friends, partners, etc.

The World Bank itself says:

…the single most important factor leading to high remittance prices is a lack of transparency in the market. It is difficult for consumers to compare prices because there are several variables that make up remittance prices.

To solve this problem we started working on Mondome, a platform that let people know the best option to send money from any country to another.

This service allows users to find the best way to send money by using traditional methods and crypto-currencies like bitcoin or Ripple. We are integrated with World Bank data-base and several bitcoin exchanges (at the time of writing: Coinbase, Mexbt, Bitso and Ripio, with an adding rate of 1 new exchange per week). The integration with bitcoin exchanges allows us to have a real-time update on pricing and fees.

The first version, is very simple, making it very easy to the customer to select the origin and destination country. By default we set US$200 the amount of money to send due to the worldwide average is around that amount.

Mondome home page optimized for desktop, tablet or mobile devices.

We have a lot of design and integration work in front of us, and also lots of ideas on how to improve our data-base, but we think this worth to do it, because we believe this is a great way to add more value to the humanity.

If you have any question, please, send us an email to or

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Remittances with Mondome

We want you to know the best remittance price anytime, anywhere. Visit us in