Remix 0.23.0 Release

Yann Levreau
Remix Project
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2022

Welcome fellow Remixer ;) It’s time for a little update.

Shortly before Devconnect (in mid April), we shipped a new release, v0.23.0 which comes with a few great updates:

Static Analysis with Slither

Slither is a static analysis tool run with the CLI (command line interface) that can be run in Remix through RemixD. It analyzes your code and provides a full report.

For the moment, you’ll need to install Slither and its dependencies. Soon however, we’ll be packaging Slither with RemixD.

Here’s what you need to do to run Slither:

  • Install Slither
  • Install RemixD npm install -g @remix-project/remixd
  • Go to your working directory and run remixd -s ./
  • Go to and click on the workspace dropdown list and select localhost
  • Compile your contract
  • Go to the Plugin Manager and activate Solidity Static Analysis:
  • From there you can select Enable Slither Analysisand click Run. After some time the report will be available in the UI and as a json file in the root folder.

Execute a Script Upon Compilation

When it comes to developing smart contracts, the drafting phase can be cumbersome.

There is a lot of back and forth between writing code, compiling, deploying to the VM or Testnet, testing etc. And, sometimes you need to deploy several contracts, and create several transactions before the actual testing (manual testing or automatic testing).

This is where this feature comes in. You can run a script as soon as the compilation finishes. The script can deploy the contract, send transactions, and put the context in the state you want.

You will find more info in this short video:

To check out an example .sol file and script combination, make a new Workspace (we’ve updated the default files), and look at 1_Storage.sol as well as ./scripts/deploy_with_ethers.ts

In short, to setup a script that works with Compile and Run, you’ll need to:

  • set the NatSpec tag @custom:dev-run-script ./scripts/deploy_with_ethers.ts on the contract you want to interact with.
  • from the Solidity Compiler, hit Compile And Run or Ctrl Shift S .

That’s it. Welcome to the drafting-without-borders world!

Run TypeScript

Here it comes!

Our Editor and Script Runner now support TypeScript, which mean that you can write TypeScript, have some auto-completion, and run it straight from Remix.

The default Workspace now contains TypeScript example files in it, so create a new Workspace and test it out.


Thanks to Filip Mertens for this great feature!

Added Providers

We have added a bunch of providers to the list: Hardhat , Ganache andWallet Connect for connecting to your mobile app.

Truffle Integration

Same as we did with the hardhat integration, here’s the truffle one ;)

So, for the great Truffle users, it is now possible to run Truffle Compile alongside the Remix Compilation.

  • install RemixD npm install -g @remixproject/remixd
  • go to your favorite Truffle directory and run remixd -s ./
  • go to and click on the Workspace dropdown list and select localhost
  • go to the Solidity Compiler panel, and check Enable Truffle Compilation and hit Compile. Truffle will also compile, and the result will be displayed in the Remix Terminal

More info on this is in our documentation.

Next Next ;)

The next release is actually coming very very soon ;) so please reach out to us here if you would like to be part of the next Beta Testing session. Looking forward to talk to you.

The next releases will include:

  • Prioritize deployment on L2
  • Proper Solidity integration in our Monaco Editor
  • Better integration with the Solidity Compiler input
  • Deploy / upgrade Proxy Contracts from Remix
  • Create Workspace of specific type (ERC20, ERC721, etc.)

Please report any problems you find in Remix. Also, please send us your suggestions about any changes you’d like to see in Remix, or any functionality you think would be useful to add.

For future releases, we are looking for more Beta Testers. If you are interested in helping this effort please fill out this form.

We constantly strive to make the Remix IDE more convenient and easy to use. You can reach us on Twitter, Gitter, or via email ( or Discord.

