Remix 0.24.0 Release

Yann Levreau
Remix Project
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2022

Welcome again fellow Remixers, it’s time for a little update ;)

In this release we have added project templates, updates to Remixd, updates to the Solidity Compilers and a few other goodies, so read on…

But first, for all you Remixd users, please update to the latest version: v0.6.2

npm install -g @remix-project/remixd

Project Template

Having Workspaces is nice, but having Workspaces that give you the choice of templates is even better.

Now when you create a Workspace, you’ll be prompted to choose a template.

Remixd is now easier to run

Tired of having to run remixd with a lot of parameters? We’ve simplified the command with some default parameters. Now, when you run the command remixd without any flags, the current working directory will be shared with Remix and it will only allow one of the public Remix URLs.

  • update remixd to the latest: npm install -g @remix-project/remixd
  • in a terminal, go to your working directory, and just run remixd
run remixd

Solidity Compiler UI Changes

We’ve cleaned up the Solidity Compiler’s interface. Now when you come to the Compiler you’ll see this:

To see the more advanced configuration (including optimization) click on Advanced Configurations and the section will open up:

Solidity Compiler Config

As you can see in the above image, you can now use a config file for setting compiler options instead of using the UI. Please check it out! ;). For more info on the config file, see the docs.

use compiler configuration

Publish to IPFS Local Node and API Endpoint

In the Solidity Compiler, there is a button to publish to IPFS.

Why publish your source code to IPFS?

Once you have published to IPFS and have deployed your code to a public network, Sourcify—a contract verification service—will verify your code without you needing to do any more.

Changes to IPFS Configuration in Remix

Before this release, when publishing to IPFS, users were actually using Remix’s public endpoint. With this release, users will need to specify which IPFS gateway to use. So when you click the Publish on IPFS button, you’ll see this modal:

As indicated in the image above, there are 4 options:

  • public INFURA node: This is the default option and does not require a subscription to Infura. But, this is the least secure of the options because you don’t have control over what is kept pinned. And, if the data is not accessible, then Sourcify cannot verify it. To use this option, just click OK.
  • your own INFURA IPFS node: with this option, you’ll need to register with Infura. You’ll also need to input your Infura IPFS keys into the Remix settings panel (see the image below).
  • an external IPFS node which doesn’t require any authentication.
  • your own local IPFS node: A local node usually runs on http://localhost:5001

These configuration settings are in the Settings panel.

TypeScript Integration

Monaco Editor now provides auto completion for TypeScript files. Plus, the Editor will now resolve ethers.js and web3 interfaces.

Next Next ;)

We have a few nice updates coming in soon, like integration with proxy contracts and improvement of the Editor.

The next release is coming very, very soon ;) so please reach out to us here if you would like to be part of the next Beta Testing session. Looking forward to connecting with you.

Please report any problems you find in Remix. Also, please send us your suggestions about any changes you’d like to see in Remix, or any functionality you think would be useful to add.

For future releases, we are looking for more Beta Testers.

We constantly strive to make the Remix IDE more convenient and easy to use. You can reach us on Twitter, Gitter, or via email ( or Discord.

