Remix-IDE 0.10.1 Release

Remix Project
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2020

Remix IDE is released & deployed to It is also available as an NPM module here. The Remix Desktop automatically updates with each release.

What’s new

  • We significantly improved the UI of two plugins:Solidity Unit Testing and Solidity Static Analysis
  • The Debugger has a nice feature that works with the brand new Source Verifier plugin! Sometimes you need to debug a transaction that was previously deployed and that has its source code and metadata on IPFS. With the Source Verifier plugin activated, the Debugger will fetch the source code & metadata and will then use those to provide source code debugging and will also decode contract state &local variables.

Solidity Unit Testing

To test the functionality of your contracts, you need to write unit tests. Of course, Remix will help you to do this.

It injects a built-in assert library and allows usage of some special functions to make testing more structural.

  • beforeEach() - Runs before each test
  • beforeAll() - Runs before all tests
  • afterEach() - Runs after each test
  • afterAll() - Runs after all tests

To get started, see this simple example.

Tests can also run in CircleCi and Travis.

Solidity Static Analysis

The plugin performs static analysis on Solidity smart contracts once they are compiled. It checks for security vulnerabilities and bad development practices, among other issues.

You will find more detailed instructions on how to use these plugins in our documentation.

Please report any problems you see in Remix IDE and also share your suggestions. We strive to make the IDE more convenient and easy to use. You can reach us on Twitter, Gitter, and via email ( TIA!

