Remix IDE 0.12.0 Released

Rob Stupay
Remix Project
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2021

The Big News

  • Hardhat integration has arrived!
  • Afraid of losing your work? Try out DGIT! DGIT is decentralized GIT.
    With this plugin you can pin a repo on IPFS — your files won’t be lost if (or when) the browser crashes!

New versions of Remix Desktop & Remixd

Remix Desktop users need to go to the download page to download:

Remixd users need to run the following command to update:

npm install -g @remix-project/remixd

Hardhat integration

Hardhat projects can now be brought into Remix via Remixd and compiled with the Hardhat compiler or the Remix compiler.

Then the contracts can be deployed with the Remix’s Deploy & Run module to a Hardhat local node or to a public network.

How do you get the Hardhat Provider as a choice in the Environment section? By activating the new Hardhat Provider plugin!

And now you can interact with the functions on your deployed Hardhat project in Remix! Now Hardhat & Remix Debugger fans, don’t get too excited — the hardhat integration is not ready yet for the debugger.

Here is a link to the docs about Hardhat integration on Remix.


Git in the browser

This plugin tracks your files in Remix as a git repository and lets you store the repo on IPFS. It includes all the uncommitted changes and files, so you can just continue to work. The tracking is done for each ‘workspace’ separately.


This repo is stored in your browser but you can export and import it from IPFS using the plugin, that way your repository is safe. Each time you export your repo, a new unique, immutable version of it will be created in IPFS represented by the IPFS hash of your code.

The plugin allows you to use an IPFS node of choice or just the default.

Data persistence

In order to keep your data in IPFS, you need to ‘pin’ it. The DGIT plugin has a built in feature to pin the data in Pinata Cloud. Pinata Cloud offers a free pinning service up to 1GB of data, which is enough to keep quite a lot of data. Once you have a Pinata account & an API key, you can pin your data there directly.

Now, you have full control of all the data that remains in IPFS. By ‘unpinning’ your repo, it will eventually be removed from IPFS.

Code sharing

If you want to let somebody else work on your code, pass them the IPFS hash of the exported files. The plugins allows you to import any files from IPFS by entering a hash.

Here is the link to the DGIT docs:

File Explorer

Easy GIST Creation

Now to publish a file or folder to a GIST — right click on it and the Publish file to gist option will be in the popup menu.

Copy and paste files & folders

Organizing your files and folders has just got a lot easier.
Copy a file or folder by right clicking on it and selecting Copy and then right clicking on a folder to paste a copy there.


New remixd version 0.4.0

Please update your remixd to the latest:

npm install -g @remix-project/remixd

To check what version you are have, from your console type:

remixd —-version

If remixd --version doesn’t return anything, then you are on a very outdated version of remixd. For you very outdated remixd users — run do not walk to the remixd docs for instructions to uninstall the old one and to install the new one:

New version contains an aversion to old versions

Because Remixd is bridging between your computer’s filesystem and the browser, it is vitally important that you run the latest version of remixd. This latest version includes a warning that appears when your version is outdated.

Of course, this warning won’t show up unless you download the latest version. But when you download the latest version — your system won’t be outdated — so the warning will also not show up.

However, one day, yes, one day, this warning will show up — prompting you to download the latest.

Settings & Solidity Static Analysis

The Settings & the Solidity Static Analysis plugins are the latest of our plugins to be moved to React.


Kovan Network

Debugging on Kovan has not been supported. It is still not supported — but when you try to debug there, you’ll get a message telling you it is not supported.

Solidity Unit Testing

We have improved the logic in this plugin’s ability to operate with workspaces.

Deploy & Run

Custom error reporting

We have updated our support for Solidity’s custom errors. Custom errors are a Solidity feature that began with Solidity v0.8.4. See more info about it on the Solidity Blog.

When a custom error has been triggered, it will get logged in Remix’s terminal.

Bug Fixes

We have fixed a few bugs — most noteably:

A problem with non-checksumed addresses in the AtAddress section(thanks to VexyCats, gperezalba, Loque18, pcaversaccio for pointing this out).

Also we have fixed a BigNumber issue when sending wei to a contract (thanks flcoder for pointing this out).


We have refactored code including decoupling remix-simulator from execution-context for making calls to the VM.

Thank You Esteemed Users

Please report any problems you see in Remix. Also send us your suggestions about any changes you’d like to see in Remix or any functionality you’d like to be added.

We strive to make the IDE more convenient and easy to use. You can reach us on Twitter, Gitter, and via email ( TIA!

