Remix-IDE needs YOU to beta test release 0.10.5

Rob Stupay
Remix Project
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2020

Would you like to contribute to Remix as a beta tester?

The next Remix-IDE release is coming in a week or so. So all you Remix users out there, try out some of the new features and let us know how it went!

The process is straightforward:

  • The list of what needs testing is below.
  • The beta version is located here:
  • Fill out this questionnaire to provide us with your feedback.

All the fields are optional — the data collected is only for improving Remix and won’t be shared.

Features to test for Remix-IDE release 0.10.5

The new WalletConnect Plugin

The WalletConnect plugin allows you to use a wallet on a mobile phone to authorize transactions in Remix. For more info about WalletConnect — see:

This plugin is exciting for us because:

  • It will allow Dapp developers to mimic how a user would use their Dapp — but all inside of Remix.
  • It will greatly expand the usability of Remix-Desktop because it adds a new environment. (adding to JsVM, Injected Web3, & Web3 Provider). Remix-Desktop users cannot use cannot use the metamask browser plugin because Remix-Desktop is a desktop app and not in the browser. But now, with the walletconnect plugin, Remix-Desktop users can pay for transactions with a mobile wallet.

WalletConnect Beta Testing Instructions


  • Install a WalletConnect compatible wallet on your mobile phone that can connect to a testnet. The metamask phone wallet will work for both android and iphone. There are others that will work on android.
  • Make sure you have some test ether on the network of your choice.

You can also test the walletconnect plugin using Torus, MEW, and Unilogin, to name a few.


  1. Activate the WalletConnect plugin in the plugin manager.
  2. Find the WalletConnect screen (if you can)(I’m not going to tell you where it is).
  3. Connect to the wallet on your mobile to Remix using the plugin.
  4. Select a contract and then compile it.
  5. Deploy the contract with the walletconnect environment selected.

NOTE: When you deploy a contract, with the mobile metamask wallet, you’ll need to set the gaslimit to a higher value (i.e 1000000) — because the default one is 21000. However if you are not deploying but are calling a contract, you won’t need to adjust the gaslimit.

Report: Let us know if it worked and if not what errors you received and if you could make sense of the error messages.

Updates to Remix’s Solidity Unit Testing Plugin

We have updated remix-tests to give more insights to users about failed tests. This includes the comparison of expected and returned values along with the assertion method.

NOTE: remix-tests can be used from REMIX IDE’s Solidity Unit Testing plugin or as a CLI. Regarding the CLI, more information is available here:

Beta Testing Instructions for the Unit Testing Plugin

  1. Activate the Solidity Unit Testing plugin in Remix Alpha
  2. We have prepared a GIST for beta testing. It contains a _test.sol with hard coded values — so it won’t be importing another solidity file to test.
  3. There are 2 ways of loading a gist — either go to the remix console and run: remix.loadgist(‘36306c729c9a2832f53d542fdb8ab843’) or click the GIST button in the IMPORT section of Remix’s home tab and in the modal input the gist id: 36306c729c9a2832f53d542fdb8ab843
  4. Go to the Solidity Unit Testing Plugin.
  5. In the the test directory field input the GIST’s folder: browser/gists/36306c729c9a2832f53d542fdb8ab843
  6. Run the test.

Report: Let us know how you like the UX of the test result — if it is an improvement or what information you believe is missing, or how you would prefer it would work.

Debugger Updates

We have made several updates to the Debugger. We have:

  1. Improved the accuracy of the source highlighting.
  2. Engineered the debugger to fetch a deployed & verified contract with the Sourcify.

Beta testing the Debugger sourcemap improvements

  • Please try the debugger and let us know if you see any improvements with the sourcemaps.

Beta testing the Debugger fetching a contract with Sourcify


  1. Deploy a contract to ropsten, goerli or rinkeby.
    NOTE: If you already have a contract verified in sourcify, not need to do this step.
  2. Copy its the contract’s address. ( Later you will need the contract’s deployment’s txn hash)
  3. Activate and open the Sourcify plugin. For more info on using this plugin see this article:
  4. Click the Verify button to get to the verify section.
  5. Select the network you deployed to and paste in the contract’s address. Then click the Verify button.
  6. The contract should get verified successfully.
  7. Reload Remix in order to clear all the compilation results (or recompile another contract).
  8. Activate and open the Debugger plugin.
  9. Copy the transaction hash of the contract deployment’s transaction.
  10. Paste the hash into the field in the Debugger that asks for the Transaction hash & click start debugging.

Remix should fetch the code from Sourcify, recompile using the right compiler version and start debugging with source highlighting, and it should show decoded locals and state variables.

Report: Please let us know if this worked or where it failed or what is confusing.

Fill out a report

Once you try out any or all of the following plugins, please fill out a questionnaire here:

All the fields are optional — the data collected is only for improving Remix and won’t be shared.

With your help we can make the rollout of the next release smoother!

You can hear from us on twitter — @EthereumRemix.
Ask us questions our gitter channel — ethereum/remix.


