Remix IDE Release 0.10.10

Rob Stupay
Remix Project
Published in
6 min readFeb 10, 2021

The Big News

  • Right click to deactivate comes to the Icons Panel
  • The File Explorer, modals, and the toasters are now a React components
  • The sample contracts are now expanded and organized into a project.
  • New versions of Remixd & Remix Desktop (downloads required)
  • Git comes to Remixd
  • The DGIT plugin (in Beta) has arrived to fortify the ever delicate Browser Storage
  • New options in remix-tests CLI including test with a custom compiler
  • Remix Desktop & remixd users need to download the latest versions

Icons Panel

Now with a right click, you’ll get a popup context menu, where you can deactivate the plugin or check out the documentation (if it’s available).

File Explorer

Now a React component

Remix is in the process of moving off the yoyo framework and onto React. And by using React, we’ll be able to make subtle and not so subtle UI improvements to the IDE. In this release, the File Explorer is coded in React — so it will look slightly differently.

Default Project

The first thing you will probably notice when coming to the File Explorer is that there is a default project in the browser folder.

If you don’t see the new file & folders, they will appear when all the files in the File Explorer are erased or when the cache is cleared.

The example project contains 3 folders — contracts, scripts, and tests.

Creating a new file

Now when you click on the new file icon, an input for a new the file’s name will appear in the Explorer. Once a name is entered, the new empty file will open in the Editor.

NOTE: When you click on the new file icon, the new file will be placed in the currently selected folder. If a file and not a folder is selected then the new file will be placed in that file’s folder. And if nothing is selected, then the file will be placed in the root of the browser folder. Or to be brief — just be mindful of what folder it lands in.

Right Clicking in the File Explorer

Right clicking on a file will give you a context menu — offering you the possibility to delete or rename the file. For now, don’t click on the icon — only on the name.

Right clicking on a folder’s name will give you the opportunity to make a new file, a new sub-folder, to rename or delete.

Scripts Folder in the Default Project

The scripts folder contains files that use async/await scripts to deploy a contract with ethers.js and web3.js. To learn more about how to use async/await scripts, please go to our medium article on the subject.

While the use of async/await scripts in Remix is not new, these scripts are really powerful and a good thing to take advantage of — so we have moved them front and center!

When you right click on a script, you can run it.

Alternatively, in the Console, type: remix.exeCurrent() — with the script the active file in the Editor.


Just to remind you, source highlighting in the editor will switch based on which plugin is active in the side panel. So of example if you are in the Solidity Compiler plugin and click on a compilation warning — the area in the relevant area of the code will be highlighted. But if you switch to the debugger — then the debugger will control which areas of the code get highlighted. This functionality is not new — but in this release, we have improved the accuracy of the highlighting.

Remix Tests CLI

New options have been added in remix-tests to provide custom configuration related to the compiler. See

Remix IDE & Solidity v0.8

With a few exceptions the IDE supports Solidity >= 0.8.0.
Please report any issues here:

Static Analysis

Not an earth shattering update but now variable names that are deemed too similar will trigger a warning when then are used in a function and not upon their declaration, as had been the case.


In case you missed it, the Debugger was our first native plugin to get moved to React. And now, it is an iFrame plugin.

Remix-Debug — the library supporting the Debugger — has been updated to typescript.

Solidity Locals that contain a struct

Now when debugging a contract with a function that has a struct (or other complex datatype) as it’s parameter, you can track the contents of the struct in the Debugger’s Solidity locals panel.

Remix Desktop

Remix Desktop users need to update the App.


We updated and released Remixd.
We have also moved Remixd to be part of the remix-project in NPM.

So to make this update you need to uninstall the old remixd and then install the new one:
npm uninstall -g remixd
npm install -g @remix-project/remixd

Git commands in the Remix’s Terminal when using remixd

Now, when you load the remixd plugin, another plugin called Git is also loaded. With this plugin, when Remixd is active, you can type Git commands in Remix’s console and the Git plugin will forward them to Git running in the remixd working directory on your filesystem. Get it?

Right Click on a folder or file in the localhost directory

As noted above in the File Explorer section — with a right click, you can make create, rename, or delete files & folders. When you have remixd running, and you right click on a file in the localhost folder, the change you enact will be on your filesystem.

DGIT: the disaster avoidance plugin (BETA version)

Have you ever lost work in Remix because your browser crashed and destroyed your local storage? Have you just been afraid that you would lose your work. We have a new plugin, Dgit — which should dramatically help this.

DGIT is a plugin located in the main panel of Remix IDE

This main panel plugin saves your work on IPFS with GIT version control.

This plugin is in beta — but try it out! Please post any issues if you have problems to the plugin’s repo page or post in the gitter:ethereum/remix channel.


There is a temporary change in the github access token. Now in addition to saving the token, you’ll need to refresh Remix.

Remix & Layer 2 -> Optimism

Check out the Optimism compiler. If you already had checked it out, check it out again — because we’ve improved it!

Coming soon

  • READ ONLY files & folders
  • The alpha version of a Remix plugin for VSCode

Thank You Esteemed Users

Please report any problems you see in Remix and also please share your suggestions.

We strive to make the IDE more convenient and easy to use. You can reach us on Twitter, Gitter, and via email ( TIA!

