Remix IDE v0.13.0 is Released

Rob Stupay
Remix Project
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2021

Remix can play Ethereum — London fork style!

The Big News

This release integrates the London hardfork into Remix.

A London flavor of the JavaScript VM now in Deploy & Run

In the Environment section of Deploy & Run, there are now two versions of the JSVM — Berlin and London.

The Berlin flavored chain, is built according to the Berlin hardfork — which at the time of this writing is the protocol on the mainnet. The London JSMV is built according to the upcoming fork.

To learn about the London hardfork, please visit the Ethereum blog about this upgrade.

The upgrade is being rolled out first on the test nets — but with this Remix release, you can play with it locally.

Here are the EIPs involved:

EIP-1559 changes how gas fees are organized and includes allowing uses to specify the maximum fee they are willing to pay, along with the maximum they are willing to send to the miner.

These changes are on the wallet side — so in Remix, when using the Injected Web3 Environment, you are likely to be changes in the metamask interface. But there won’t be other changes on the Remix side.

No Changes to the Solidity Compiler Interface

The Remix Solidity Compiler has not changed. This hardfork is backwards compatible, so you can compile with any version of Solidity and deploy to the London chain.

Plus a few bug fixes

Did you know that you can load some code via a Remix URL with code as URL parameter? The code parameter takes encoded code. This is the magic behind how opens up files in Remix. If you haven’t tried out that wizard you should!

With this bug fix, the file containing the code will be in a workspace named:

Open this link to see the code-sample feature live :

Other bug fixes

  • Debugging a transaction without having compiled any code would sometimes fails. [PR]
  • A bug when calling a view method in a contract on a sidechain using metamask is fixed. [PR]

And of course…

Please report any problems you see in Remix. Also send us your suggestions about any changes you’d like to see in Remix or any functionality you’d like to be added.

We strive to make the IDE more convenient and easy to use. You can reach us on Twitter, Gitter, and via email ( TIA!

