Remix Release v0.36.0

Rob Stupay
Remix Project
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2023


The Big News

  • AI comes to Remix in the Editor and in the Solidity Compiler
  • More “Quick Fixes”
  • Ephemery and SKALE Chaos Testnet added to Deploy & Run


AI in the Editor: explain a function and generate documentation

You can now ask ChatGPT to explain a function or to generate documentation for a function — right in the editor.

But to get this to work, in the Settings panel, make sure that the box is checked to “Enable code completion in Editor.”

Then, with a Solidity file open in the Editor, you can “right-click” in the body of a function, which will reveal a pop-up menu. Click on the option “Explain the function” or “Generate documentation.”

The explanation or documentation will print out in the terminal.

AI in the Solidity Compiler: help with Solidity errors

In the Solidity Compiler’s error “cards”, we’ve added a prompt: “Ask GPT” which, when clicked, will display an explanation of the error in the terminal.

New “Quick Fixes” in the Editor

In the previous release we added Quick Fixes to the Editor. In this release, we have added more Quick Fixes to:

  • Add a specific pragma
  • Add required visibility for Fallback and Receive methods
  • Add data location (e.g. storage, memory, calldata) to constructor params, function params and variables
  • Add virtual or override to a function
  • Mark a contract abstract

To make a “Quick Fix”, click on the big blue dot in the Editor.

Then select the suggested correction.

The “Quick Fix” will be input into the function.

New Environments in Deploy & Run Transactions

We’ve added two new options in the Environments select box of the Deploy & Run Transactions plugin. These options save you the trouble of configuring you browser wallet with the configuration info for these chains.


Ephemery is a testnet that resets after seven days. As a result, its faucets run without clogs. It’s a great chain for heavy testing.

For more info check or check the Ephemery Repo.

SKALE Chaos Testnet

The Chaos testnet is a project of Skale. Get tokens for this chain here or here.

More additions

  • In the Verification — Etherscan plugin, LineaScan is now supported, so contracts can now be verified there too.
  • Custom error details are now shown with Injected Web3 environment. Previously it was for VM only.

Thank You Wonderous Remix Users

Please report any problems you find in Remix. And, as always, please send us any suggestions about changes you’d like to see in Remix, or any functionality you think would be useful to add.

For future releases, we are looking for more Beta Testers. If you are interested in helping this effort please fill out this form.

We no longer follow the discussions on Gitter, so we encourage you to move over to our Discord server for community support. Or, send us an email at!

