Remix Release v0.37.0

Rob Stupay
Remix Project
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2023

The Big News

  • Circom plugin and ZKP Circom Semaphore template
  • ERC auto-complete will load the file
  • The Remix UI now translated into Spanish, French, Italian, and Simplified Chinese
  • Load Recent Workspaces
  • Start Coding Button
  • Updates for compatibility with OpenZeppelin v5.0 contracts

Circom Plugin and ZKP Circom Semaphore Template

We’ve added a Semaphore Circom template which you can load by creating a new Workspace.

When the template loads, our new Circom compiler plugin will load.

Start playing with ZK Proofs in Remix!

ERC Auto-Complete and File Loading

Remix now auto-completes all the ERC files when typing “erc”. The selected ERC file will load in the Editor. Try this out in an empty file:

And when you select one, the ERC file will be printed out, like this:

The Remix is now translated into Spanish, French, Italian, and Simplified Chinese

The language can be chosen in three places:

  • At the top right of the Home Tab:
  • At the bottom of the Settings Panel
  • Via a URL by using the lang parameter with the language abbreviation:

Big shout-out to our Spanish (Juan David), French (Mehdi Amari), Italian (matlemad). And another huge shout-out to @drafish who contributed the original i18n PRs as well as doing the Chinese translations along with Mocca. (Actually the Chinese translations have been around for a few months now).

In case you didn’t know, the Remix docs are available in Chinese, Spanish, French, and Italian.

To contribute to the translation of documentation, go to CrowdIn — Remix Translation our translation management platform.

To contribute to the translation of the Remix UI go to CrowdIn-Remix UI.

Home Tab: Recent Workspaces

Your recent workspaces are now listed:

Home Tab: Start Coding

The Start Coding button will open up a new Workspace called Playground and will load a HelloWorld file in the Editor.

Supporting OpenZeppelin v5

We’ve updated our OpenZeppelin templates and have made the necessary updates to support the latest release of OpenZeppelin.

Thank You Wonderous Remix Users

Please report any problems you find in Remix. And, as always, please send us any suggestions about changes you’d like to see in Remix, or any functionality you think would be useful to add.

For future releases, we are looking for more Beta Testers. If you are interested in helping this effort please fill out this form.

We no longer follow the discussions on Gitter, so we encourage you to move over to our Discord server for community support. Or, send us an email at!

