Remix Release v0.38.0

Remix Project
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2023

The Big News

  • New Circom ZKP workspace templates: Hash Checker & Rate Limiting Nullifier
  • Define Solidity remappings in remappings.txt file
  • Alpha release for Solidity co-pilot
  • Run free function for any selection environment

Hash Checker & Rate Limiting Nullifier Templates for Circom

Building on our previous release that included a Semaphore template, we added more templates for Circom.

To get to these templates, go to the hamburger menu in the File Explorer and make a new workspace and in the modal that comes up choose

Now I realize Rate-Limiting Nullifier sounds like school yard epithet.

“You’re so boring!”

“Well you‘re a Rate-Limiting Nullifier”

But Rate Limiting Nullifiers are used for limiting the number of “something” that a user can do — for example the number of allowable post to a form and once that number is exceeded then the offending person’s identity is revealed. It’s used in Zero Knowledge Proofs and it gets at the algebraic nature of Circom. Check out these new templates!

Solidity remappings in Remix

Create a file called remappings.txt in the root of your workspace and place your Solidity Remappings there. This will be especially familiar to you Foundry users.

Solidity Copilot Plugin (alpha release)

Check out our first forays into a version of Copilot for Solidity so you can get code suggestions in the editor.

Then start coding away and see the suggestions.

Adjust the Copilot settings in the Settings panel:

This plugin in Alpha

Please join our discord and send us your comments about this plugin.

Thank You Knowledgeable Remix Users

Please report any problems you find in Remix. And, as always, please send us any suggestions about changes you’d like to see in Remix, or any functionality you think would be useful to add.

We no longer follow the discussions on Gitter, so we encourage you to move over to our Discord server for community support. Or, send us an email at!

