Remix Release v0.42.0

Rob Stupay
Remix Project
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2024

The Big News

  • Ask GPT for Circom ZKP compiler errors/warnings
  • Default Solidity compiler set to 0.8.24 with support of ‘Cancun’ EVM
  • Workspace Template ‘Uniswap v4 Periphery’ renamed to ‘Uniswap v4 Template’

GPT help for the errors in Circom

Have you tried the Circom compiler in Remix? If not click here to load Remix with the Circom plugin.

If you have tried it but don’t understand anything about it, check this article article with an intro to ZK Proof terms and this article about how to use the Circom plugin.

And finally for you dear ZK Dev or ZK Dev wannabe who has tried it out but doesn’t understand the error messages, you can now click ASK GPT for help.

New default Solidity version and new default EVM version

Is it my fault or your fault? No, its just the default! OK stop groaning…and notice that Remix is up to date with the coming network upgrade.

The default compiler is Cancun and the default Solidity version is 0.8.24.

Uniswap v4 Template

We have had the Uniswap v4 template in Remix — but it was previously called Uniswap v4 Periphery. So now we have renamed it to something that you can identify more easily.

To load this template in the File Explorer, click the hamburger menu and then select Create. You’ll see it in the Uniswap V4 section.

Thank You Luscious Remix Users and V4 hackers

Please report any problems you find in Remix. And, as always, please send us any suggestions about changes you’d like to see in Remix, or any functionality you think would be useful to add.

We no longer follow the discussions on Gitter, so we encourage you to move over to our Discord server for community support. Or, send us an email at!

