Remix Release v0.51.0

Remix Project
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2024

The Big News

  1. Integration of SolidityScan to analyze code for vulnerabilities
  2. Status bar has arrived
  3. Home tab updated
  4. ‘eth_signTypedData’ supported in remix-simulator

Home tab updated

We are in the process of simplifying the home tab. In the coming releases there will be some changes to make it less busy.

Status bar

Way down at the bottom of Remix is the Status bar!

Currently, the Status bar shows:

  1. The name of the repo associated with current Workspace, if there is one, and if there isn’t, you can initialize Git right here.
  2. The current scam alerts.
  3. An indication (upon hover) if Remix Copilot is turned on.

FYI: the switch to turn on Remix Copilot, our AI tool for code completion, is at the top of the Remix Editor.

SolidityScan, an analyzer for code vulnerabilities, in the Solidity Compiler

SolidityScan is a code scanning tool designed to uncover vulnerabilities and proactively address risks within your code. We’ve integrated it into the Solidity Compiler.

The tool is free to use. Try it out!

eth_signTypedData is supported in the Remix VM

eth_signTypedData is part of EIP-712 and is now supported in the Remix VM. The Remix VM is our simulated blockchain. EIP-721, “is a standard for hashing and signing of typed structured data as opposed to just bytestrings.” It is helpful for displaying human-legible messages for signing.

Thank You, dear users of Remix

Please report any problems you find in Remix. And, as always, please send us any suggestions about changes you’d like to see in Remix, or any functionality you think would be useful to add.

Join our Discord server for community support. Or, send us an email at!

