🛴 Mobility Brief #1: Micromobility: an opportunity to serve the underserved edges

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2 min readOct 17, 2018

Our first Remix Policy Brief explores one of the newest forms of private shared mobility: ‘micromobility’ — dockless bikes, e-scooters, and mopeds. Their rapid proliferation across the United States (and worldwide), has raised many questions regarding their contribution to the larger transportation ecosystem.

We see an opportunity for micromobility to connect those living in the underserved edges of urban areas to a city’s larger transportation network. However, these opportunities cannot be realized without the correct policy lens and regulatory requirements to guide positive outcomes. For cities evaluating new mobility policies, the brief offers guidance across several topics:

  • How are different US cities approaching equitable transportation access goals?
  • What topics should every city address in their e-scooter or dockless bikeshare requirements?
  • What metrics are available to evaluate equitable access goals?
Sample pages from Mobility Brief #1: Micromobility: an opportunity to serve the underserved edges. Download the full report here.

If guided correctly, micromobility can improve access to the greater transportation system in ways unseen from past options. The brief is authored by Rachel Zack, the co-author of San Francisco’s Guiding Principles for Emerging Mobility Services and Technologies. You can download the document by clicking below.

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The future of transportation is malleable, and cities have an opportunity to shape it. We’re proud to advocate for cities in that endeavor and bring new insights to the discussion.

To learn more, email Rachel at rachel.zack@remix.com, or sign up for our newsletter at www.remix.com.



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How today's cities design and manage their transportation future. https://www.remix.com/