Jane Improvements: New travel limits & reverse Jane

Ben Lykins
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2019

We are excited to announce several big updates to Jane — the Remix isochrone that visualizes riders access and mobility across a transit network. We have built a sleek new layout, streamlined existing functionality, and have added a few new functions. Don’t fret — Jane is still sporting her iconic solid black, Marimekko dress.

New Layout

The look and feel of the Jane menu have been refreshed. The new layout has parallels that mimic the improved layers pane introduced earlier this year. The menu opens from the upper right-hand side of the screen offering more screen real estate to utilize the tool and interact with new functions.

Janes new Layout!

Reverse Jane

Ever wonder how long it would take to get to Jane from other parts of your service area? We are excited to announce reverse Jane. Toggle between ‘Time from Jane’ and ‘Time to Jane’ to understand directional travel across your network. The isochrones will change to display the reachable areas by travel direction as opposed to only showing travels times away from Jane. Reverse Jane can help answer questions like, “How long does it take students across the region to get to the local community college?” or “How many potential employees can get to [instert major employer] within 30 mins?”

Reverse Jane in action

Editable Isochrone Times

We’ve acted on your feedback related to travel time and are excited to expand travel time for more flexibility. You now have control over the minimum/maximum travels times. This allows you to visualize travel times as short as 20 minutes or as long as three hours.

Travel time isochrone options

Wait Times and Demographics

While some elements of Jane have become more robust, a few have been streamlined. We have simplified the way you can toggle between using the two available methodologies — “Average” or “Timetables”. This new interaction includes a quick explanation for how each method impacts the way Jane rides a network. Similarly, Jane still calculates demographic information inside of each isochrone timeband, but these are now displayed to the right of the timeband and update even faster.

Wait time explanations

We hope these new improvements to Jane offer even more utility when it comes to offering the greatest level of access to your community. Whether you’re using Jane to understand food access, drive internal discussion or perhaps tell the story of an upcoming change to the network, we’d love to hear about your projects.

