Remix Planning introduces Vehicle Types and Operating Companies

Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2018

A transit system may include groups of lines that have unique cost factors, most often due to the use of specific vehicle types or operating companies. Specific vehicle types (e.g., 40’, 60’, cutaways) or operations from third-parties are the reason. We want to reflect these situations accurately, so you can now to represent vehicle types and operating companies in your Remix plans! This provides further precision in estimating costs and new ways to represent your system in Remix.

Cost precision and smart interlining

With this update, expect your cost estimates to improve when you’re working with multiple lines with unique cost factors in a map. As a bonus, when calculating the vehicle count for the whole map, Remix will specifically “interline” lines with identical vehicle types and/or operating companies assigned to them.

Watch to learn more about vehicles types and operating companies in Remix. Narrated by Customer Success Manager Kyle Boehm

Note: This change will not affect any of your existing maps. Costing updates will only occur once you take action to set up and assign vehicle types and/or operating companies to lines.

Additional enhancements with this update

  • Filter by vehicle types or operating companies for easy viewing or presentation
  • Enhanced Excel exports: stats such as annual miles per vehicle type per operating company are now included in the Excel export
  • We’ve transitioned to using the word “vehicles” (instead of buses) throughout the product to incorporate all of that multimodal love
  • Set default vehicle types or operators for your agency

For the last point, you can send this information to your Customer Success Manager and he or she will make it accessible to all users at your agency.

We look forward to your feedback! To learn more, visit our helpsite.



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