What’s New in Remix

Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2016

We make improvements to Remix every day. We’ve collected some of the bigger changes on this page, so you can see what’s new.

The “Showdown in Motown” Release (v11)

August 2016

Rapid schedule editor. A much faster way of editing schedules, similar to excel. Add, remove, and modify windows using just your keyboard.

Adjustable buffer distance. Set the catchment area to any distance between 0.1 miles and 2 miles to get the associated demographics. Also works with metric values.

Favorite stats. A big upgrade that lets you “star” your favorite stats and demographics, and have them always appear in the statistics pane. New statistics include daily costing and average stop spacing.

Export stops. KML and Shapefile exports now include bus stops, including a list of which routes go through which stops. You can take these into GIS to further analysis on the routes you design.

Trip-based costs. An experimental feature that generates individual trips (9:05, 9:15, 9:25…) and uses those to get more accurate costing. Also lets you specify inbound-only and outbound-only windows in the schedule pane.

Custom colors. Use hex values to specify the exact color of your route. Useful for matching your transit agency’s branding.

And lots more:

  • Estimate Stops makes a come-back. It now intelligently finds existing stops, then inserts new stops for portions of the route that don’t have nearby infrastructure.
  • Zooming with a scroll-wheel is now more accurate.
  • Press ‘0’ (zero) to zoom all the way out.
  • A revamped help-site with answers to your most common questions.

The “Brawl in Montreal” Release (v10)

May 2016

Stops Database. A built-in database of stop infrastructure. Includes locations, names, and stop IDs. This dramatically increases the accuracy of sketch planning by using the physical stop infrastructure.

Quickdraw. A much much faster way to draw transit scenarios. As you sketch, Remix detects nearby stops and selects the ones on the correct side of the road at the appropriate spacing. You can also extend lines, undo as you draw, and use pins to move entire sections of a line.

Adjustable Jane. You can now select which day and time Jane travels. Useful for comparing how far she can go during rush hour, noon, and other parts of the day.

Political boundaries. A new type of custom layer, that lets you see regional boundaries. Great for showing electoral or city boundaries. Designed with some serious cartography, to keep the map highly readable.

Late night service. You can now run service past 24:00 anywhere inside Remix. Just type 25:00, 26:00 etc to indicate post-midnight times. Existing maps that wrapped past midnight have been auto upgraded.

Maps load 30% faster. By encoding line geometries in well-known binary, maps load significantly faster. This will especially benefit larger agencies.

And lots more:

  • Buffers around stops can be toggled on permanently. Use this while you draw to see which parts of the community a line serves.
  • Shared maps now include the your location and zoom level.
  • Bug fixes & performance improvements.
  • All stops are now visible when zoomed in. This makes it easy to understand the physical infrastructure as you plan.
  • Better “per kilometer” cost estimates, for our Australian friends.
  • Higher resolution image exports. Great for reports.
  • Anchors are more widely spaced when importing a very long route.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

The “Too Close To Call” Release (v9)

February 2016

Embed Remix in your website. Use a small snippet of code to include a Remix map directly on your agencies website.

Print. Any map can now be printed by pressing Ctrl-P. These printouts include the schedule, costs, and demographic impact of a route.

Buffers around stops. A visual representation of 0.25 miles around each stop, so you can easily see the parts of the community a line will serve. Can be adjusted to other radii, depending on your need.

Download as image. One our top requests: you can now download a map as an image to include it in reports and presentations. Behind the scenes, we’ve built infrastructure to let us provides map images in more places.

Rename inbound & outbound. Do your routes go east & west? You can now rename directions to whatever your heart (or geography) desires.

Peak bus counts & chart. Remix scans through a service day and finds how many buses are used at any given time. Then it gives you the peak and a graph of how those buses are used throughout the date.

And lots more:

  • Slow internet is handled more elegantly.
  • Shapefile exports now include seperate shapes for each direction.
  • When Remix updates, you’ll receive an in-app notification that a new version is available!
  • Shared maps hide costs, to allow sharing with a wider audience.
  • Layovers are more precise (e.g. 2.7 minutes)
  • Bug fixes & performance improvements.
  • Drawing updated to work on “reversible highway lanes”
  • Correctly use “billions” for very very large agencies.
  • Bug fixes & performance improvements.



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