How do we plan to Prove and Improve REMME Access Management solutions with Pilots

Remme Protocol
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2018

“A pinch of probability is worth a pound of perhaps.” — James Thurber

Today we are going to talk about an important element in ensuring that REMME gains mass adoption: pilot programs. The testing and implementation of our protocol in conjunction with major enterprises is crucial in giving it legitimacy and demonstrating its utility and reliability. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about arranging a pilot program, as you’re about to discover.

Implementing software decisions is a long and thorough process that can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Analyzing business needs and identifying the best solution
  • Planning the implementation process
  • Modeling the software to business processes
  • Pre-deployment
  • Pilot testing

This latter phase is based on the actions that have been taken in the previous steps and the integration requirements. It is recommended that the configuration is tested under various scenarios and the results are evaluated. An effective way of testing these is by rolling out the changes to a test group and running pilot programs.

To launch a pilot program, an organization needs to:

1. Be clear on goals and objectives for the new technology and on what the team is trying to accomplish.

2. Decide on the length of time it will need to run, factoring in how long trialists will need to put the new technology through a routine use case, including any setup time. Typically, in enterprises it would take from 30 days to 12 month, depending on a product complexity and specific conditions.

3. Choose the testing group. The pilot group will be essential should the company decide to expand the use of the technology, as these trialists will become a valuable resource and can even assist with onboarding new employees when they start using the technology.

4. Develop a plan for client onboarding. This can be enacted when the technology is rolled out to the rest of the department or organization.

5. Feedback is critical when conducting a pilot. The test team has to provide developers with information regarding errors, user experience, workflow and possible additions on a daily basis to improve the final version of the software.

6. Address challenges. Once the pilot program has been completed, there is a need to address challenges and issues before sending the technology out to the masses.

A pilot program allows teams to find the weak spots in their planning and to resolve them before a complete rollout. It’s a vital stage of the software implementation process, which can be broken down into the following parts:

  • Deployment
  • Training
  • Support

Focus on those three metrics and there’s a good chance a pilot program will be an educational, promotional and developmental success. Lose sight of why you’re holding the thing in the first place, and what you hope to get out of it, on the other hand, and you risk running adrift, or worse still, floundering on the rocks that ring Fail Island.

Why do pilots fail?

There’s a number of reasons why pilot projects may fail. One of these is that it sometimes emerges, in testing, that the project simply doesn’t scale. We’re not talking in the blockchain sense of scaling specifically (i.e the ability to handle high throughput), but in terms of the company’s ability to handle a large volume of clients simultaneously whilst maintaining a high level of service. That’s one reason why a pilot program needs to be tested on an increasingly larger sample size as it progresses.

And then there’s the possibility that your pilot program returns unexpected and unwelcome results. Remember the fiasco that was New Coke in the 80s? Probably not, but you’ve likely read about it. In tests, New Coke got the thumbs up when compared to Pepsi. But when the Coca Cola Company formally rolled it out as the new improved Coke, the public rejected it en masse. Why? Because in the pilot program, testers were only offered a small sample, often after they’d been shopping for an hour and were thirsty. A sip of the new, sweeter Coke was refreshing. But a full can of the stuff was too much it was later discovered. Never underestimate the potential for a pilot program to throw up false positives, which is another reason why it’s advisable to operate with several different sample sets.

REMME integration and pilot program algorithm and features

The framework for conducting a pilot program varies from organization to organization. In the case of REMME, pilot participants are provided with a WebAuth DAapp implemented to the existing interface for a focus group formed out of company users to conduct an A/B test. During pilot testing, the company side provides REMME with the information obtained from the test for further analysis to personalize our solution for the specific needs of the company.

Those can be:

  • customization of user interface
  • admin dashboard and its specific components
  • set of tools to speed-up a deployment process
  • 2FA corresponding to the company’s requirements
  • Creating a side chain for a company and other queries

We’re determined to ensure that the REMME pilot program delivers actionable insights that will enable us to further enhance our protocol, and to configure it for the needs of our clients. That’s why we’ve put so much thought into optimizing every last aspect of it with a view to gaining valuable feedback. In doing so, we’ll maximize the prospects of REMME being utilized by as many enterprises as possible, each of whom stands to benefit from the added security of our blockchain-based IAM solution.

Apply now to participate in the upcoming phases of our Pilot Program.

Are you a developer interested in building real-world applications on top of the open source REMME PKI (d) protocol? Come and join the REMME Tech community in Discord! Registration is open on our official website.

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Remme Protocol

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure protocol and PKI-enabled apps to address the challenges of the Web 3.0. ⚡️Powered by blockchain⚡️