Introducing Ethereum Price Protection for REMME Pre-Sale Participants

Remme Protocol
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2017

We’re pleased to announce the introduction of price protection for all participants in our Initial Software Subscription. We’ve received a number of queries regarding what happens in the event of Ethereum surging in value before REM tokens are issued. In the past, some participants in token generation events have found the value of their purchase to have diminished versus that of Ethereum by the time the token was distributed. To mitigate those concerns, we’ve decided to offer a hedge against Ethereum price rises between now and February, when our public sale occurs.

How it works

While our pre-sale is currently in progress, our public sale won’t start until February. As you will be aware, REM tokens will only become transferable and tradable after our public sale has concluded. This gap could potentially disadvantage early supporters in the event of Ethereum climbing in value in the interim. To combat that, we’ll be introducing an airdrop for pre-sale buyers. This will top up their account balance with additional REM tokens to the value of potential increase in Ethereum’s dollar value.

As part of the pre-sale contract, the Ethereum price is fixed to $470, and its price at public sale stage will be fixed in the smart contract a few days before the public sale starts. Should this latter figure prove to be higher than $470, we will then issue an airdrop to pre-sale participants. The upper cap is $2,000 per ETH.


A contributor of 10 ETH receives 141,000 REM tokens in the pre-sale. If the price of Ethereum were to hit $ 705 (+50%) a few days prior to the public sale, they would automatically be awarded an additional 70,500 (+50%) REM tokens.

Please be aware that if less than 10% of available sale tokens are left once the smart contract has distributed airdrops, we will cancel the public sale. Should that happen, there will still be the opportunity for interested parties to purchase REM tokens on a cryptocurrency exchanges.

If you’ve previously obtained whitelist approval but have yet to participate in the REMME pre-sale, you can do so here. We look forward to welcoming you as we set about building a distributed Public Key Infrastructure that will make authentication better for everyone.



Remme Protocol

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure protocol and PKI-enabled apps to address the challenges of the Web 3.0. ⚡️Powered by blockchain⚡️