Introducing REMME Research Lab

Remme Protocol
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2018

The REMME product is an innovative, high-tech and science-based solution, and thus it follows that scientific research should be one of the priorities we should focus on as a company.

In this regard, it was decided to launch a special research hub within the company. REMME Research Lab is an open non-profit initiative within the framework of the Open Source movement, aimed at conducting research that shall:

  • Provide a fundamental basis for REMME protocol development;
  • Focus on discovering optimal approaches and algorithms for developing custom blockchains (REMChain) and consensus;
  • Consider application-oriented aspects of math modeling for tackling tasks related to implementation of blockchain technology;
  • Be aimed at research and practical application of REMME protocol in IoT and App2App solutions
  • Leverage development of REMME technology and blockchain methods in general in the field of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)/ Identity and Access Management (IAM), web security, cybersecurity etc.

During development we aim to provide the maximal possible level of security and performance in PKI management, certificates and authentication/authorization.

These principles define REMME’s technology strategy which supports development of our own Sawtooth-based blockchain solution with custom consensus algorithm.

REMME Research Lab is focused on the work of the following directions:

  • Seeking optimal consensus algorithms and development of math models for REMME’s consensus mechanism
  • Research and development of custom REMME consensus
  • Development and optimization of math models of the token economy
  • Development of the REMME protocol for machine-to-machine (M2M) / App2App / IoT solutions
  • Development of the referenced Open PKI (d) model

In the scope of this research initiative, REMME Research Lab has concluded an agreement with DLT Research Lab which will actively take part in R&D and presented by the following well-known world class scientists.

Igor Mazurok

  • Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences
  • Associate Professor at chair of Optimal management and economic cybernetics of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
  • Decision board member of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine state accreditation commission
  • Associate Professor and chair of Informational Technologies and Cybersecurity

Research fields:

  • Data analysis and decentralized systems models development
  • Data mining retaliation systems development
  • Semantic and pragmatic analysis of texts and data
  • Distributed information processing
  • Information security and cryptography
  • Grid and cloud computing
  • Computer vision and augmented reality technology
  • DLT and blockchain architecture solutions

Olga Savastru

  • Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Associate Professor and chair of Computerized Algebra and Discrete Mathematics of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University

Research fields:

  • New methods of researching distributions of arithmetical functions’ values on the special subsequences of natural Gaussian integers
  • Diophantine equations analisis of quadratic function; the distribution of integers represented by the sum in an arithmetic progression; properties of the analogue of the Klosterman function, the Waring zeta function
  • Construction of an approximate functional equation for the Epstein zeta function; finding the asymptotic estimate of the second moment of the Epstein zeta function.
  • Cryptography and cryptanalysis research

Yevhenii Leonchik

  • Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics
  • Associate Professor and chair of Mathematical Analysis of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
  • Senior scientist at Odessa Center “Southern Research Institute on fish industry and oceanography”

Member of international expert groups GFCM and STECF on mathematical modeling of the Black Sea resources. Thesis work on oscillation of functions and difference-differential properties of singular integrals.

Research fields:

  • Mathematical modeling of distributed economic systems
  • Complex systems computational modeling

Valery Penko

  • Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences
  • Associate Professor and chair of Mathematical Assistance of Computer Systems of Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
  • Associate Professor and chair of Informatics and Management of Information Systems Security of Odessa National Polytechnical University

Research fields:

  • Neural networks in time series forecasting
  • Petri net discrete event dynamic system simulation
  • Algebraic topology and distributed computation on graphs
  • Artificial Intellect and Big data analysis
  • Program Engineering and architecture solutions

Are you a researcher who shares our vision and wants to join the REMME Research Lab? Email us at

REMME’s official links:



Remme Protocol

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure protocol and PKI-enabled apps to address the challenges of the Web 3.0. ⚡️Powered by blockchain⚡️