IT expert Sid Desai joins REMME as an advisor

Remme Protocol
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2018

REMME is pleased to announce the latest advisor to join its team. We’re delighted to welcome Sid Desai aboard. A Boston-based IT security professional of some renown, Sid’s expertise will prove invaluable as we seek ways to make REMME even stronger, build partnerships with major enterprises, and further enhance our PKI (d) protocol.

Sid received his masters in Systems Engineering from Northeastern University and went on to work in the smart-grid space for Itron Inc and later Siemens Energy. Throughout this time, Sid was involved with unique early-IoT projects to support the convergence of information technology and operational technology data for smart-grid optimization and energy data management.

He’s passionate about maintaining and strengthening the security of connected devices, which is a description which pretty much applies to any and all devices today. At GlobalSign, Sid manages a team of sales and implementation engineers focused on delivering complex PKI-based user and device access solutions based on public as well as private PKI hierarchies. So far Sid and his team of engineers have helped hundreds of enterprises tackle their PKI, digital signing and access management initiatives using X.509 based digital certificates.

In his spare time, Sid loves to read up about IoT and blockchain-based technologies while trying to tackle self-taught DIY renovations about the house. Sid believes that every day is a work in progress and hopes to one day be able to publish a book about iterative living. You can find more about Sid on his LinkedIn page here.

We are hiring! Want to join the REMME team? Send your CV to and if we think you’d be a good fit, we’ll get back to you.



Remme Protocol

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure protocol and PKI-enabled apps to address the challenges of the Web 3.0. ⚡️Powered by blockchain⚡️