Meet the latest additions to the REMME team

Remme Protocol
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

It’s been a while since we brought you up to speed on recent appointments to the REMME team. Over the last couple of months, we’re privileged to have had our ranks bolstered by an all-star collection of top talents (and we’re not just saying that to be nice to our new recruits!). Without further ado, allow us to introduce the new members of our team.

Kirill Monyushko

Project Manager

Our project manager Kirill has over four years’ experience in the role and more than a decade spent on the frontlines of the retail and e-commerce segment. All told, he’s been involved in eight successful blockchain and smart contract-related projects. Thanks to his strong experience of both the B2C and B2B segments, we’re sure Kirill will be a valuable addition to the REMME team. In addition to overseeing project management for our developer team, Kirill will be handling some business analyst tasks.

Artem Frantsiian

Software Engineer

Artem’s a full-stack developer with more than two years of expertise in blockchain, with a focus on the B2B segment. The most recent projects he was involved with involved end-to-end product tracing and advertising systems, and called for developing a consensus to match advertisements to end users. At REMME his responsibilities will include front-end development and overseeing all components for integrating our blockchain solution for the JavaScript community.

Andrii Fedotov

Tech Community Manager

Andrii has had a diverse and action-packed career to date including stints as a press secretary, journalist, and managing a corporate blog on behalf of call tracking startup Ringostat. He’s also served as a marketer at the Ukrainian-French factory UAMIX, studied as a postgraduate student at the Odessa National University working on issues of corporate culture in business and change management, regularly giving public lectures on social innovations in Ukraine, Germany and Poland, and also coordinated the German-Ukrainian SOIN School program for the development of environmental and social startups with the support of the German Foreign Ministry. At REMME, we’ve give Andrii a more focused role: as Tech Community Manager, he’ll be dealing with communication and technology community development, working on developing a knowledge base about the REMME solution. He’ll also coordinate the work on technical materials for the company’s blog and plan meetups for developers as well as those who support the idea of ​​technological evolution in corporate cybersecurity thanks to REMChain.

Kirill, Artem, and Andrii have already begun to prove their worth to REMME and gelled with our existing team — and this is only the beginning. In the months to come we look forward to working closely with them to help bring REMME’s solution to as many organizations and enterprises as possible. If you like the access management solution we’re building and think you’d be a good fit for REMME, send us an email to We’d love to hear from you!



Remme Protocol

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure protocol and PKI-enabled apps to address the challenges of the Web 3.0. ⚡️Powered by blockchain⚡️