REMME Mentors Teams at BlockchainUA Hackathon

Remme Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2018

The REMME team is just back from a lively weekend that took in the BlockchainUA Conference and BlockchainUA Hackathon in Kiev. We were pleased to be a Super Sponsor of the conference that gathered blockchain experts from across Europe and the rest of the world. Our REMME stand was thronged with crowds all day, so much so that we scarcely had a moment to our ourselves, but we wouldn’t have it any other way! It was great to meet so many members of the REMME community, and to chat to many more who’d yet to learn of our Public Key Infrastructure (d) protocol and authentication apps.

During the course of all this meeting and greeting, we had a chance to chat with some new contacts who could potentially develop into new partnerships. We look forward to bringing you more news on that front in due course. At the BlockchainUA Conference, our CTO Roman Kravchenko gave two speeches that covered consensus mechanisms and updates to the REMME product, namely the addition of IAM to the PKId authentication. Roman also spoke on the topic of tokenomics based on the last research into the organic economy powering the REMME system.

Ethical Hackers Gonna Hack

Following on from the BlockchainUA Conference held on 23rd March, the REMME team oversaw the BlockchainUA Hackathon the following day. On this occasion, our role was as spectators and jurors, with REMME mentoring the participants who elected to work on our protocol. This made a great opportunity to test the protocol in order to discover new ways in which it could be purposed. It was also a chance to discover teams with an interest in the development of the protocol and in integrating it into their own solutions.

The Hackathon was great fun — and utterly exhausting, we should add. There were 27 projects to oversee, which kept us on our toes at all times. Participants were given the chance to work with the REMME Core Alpha protocol and deploy a test node on their local machines. The winner was handed a grant by REMME for creating the best project using REMME’s protocol.

Four teams decided to work with the REMME Alpha protocol:

  1. Integration of REMME protocol. Plug-in for Magento CMS
  2. REM token migration (from Ethereum to REMchain — REMME native blockchain), released on Atomic Swap
  3. File system on a Hyperledger Sawtooth framework. Access based on REMME keys
  4. Decentralized internet based on a mesh network, with the REMME protocol being used to access the network

We shared a grant between three best projects as follows:

1st place — REM token migration

1st place — Mesh network

2nd place — File system

These grants will enable the project teams to finalize their projects. We thoroughly enjoyed mentoring the teams at the hackathon, and their ideas and enthusiasm bode well, both for the future of the REMME protocol, and for security field in general.

We are hiring! Want to join the REMME team? Send your CV to and if we think you’d be a good fit, we’ll get back to you.



Remme Protocol

Distributed Public Key Infrastructure protocol and PKI-enabled apps to address the challenges of the Web 3.0. ⚡️Powered by blockchain⚡️