Micro climates, economies and job security

Economic lessons from nature

Remnants from the mind
1 min readMay 10, 2013


The NYTimes finally reports on something that makes sense in the home ownership madness - Even when homeownership doesn’t ‘cause’ unemployment, it severely impairs career mobility and workforce mobility, important factors in an economy where growth is not strong enough.

If all of us owned homes and became stuck to a radius around our homes, we’d soon have a stagnant economy.UNLESS we encourage local micro-economies.While it is easy to assume that a vibrant market for .Yes, just like you have microclimate in places like Seattle, Bay Area and SoCAL, you also have micro-economies, economies that are designed not by state or federal borders, but by a curious combination of skills, natural resources and circumstances.

Ofcourse, not everything can be done through microclimate like economic structures. We swing between industrial scale approaches like those in China and completely small scale approaches. But there maybe a ‘cellular’ style of economics that builds cells of economic activity across a nation and lets the ‘big organs’ evolve. If the politicians, government executives and citizens choose to analyse each 100 square miles as a cell that needs to survive on its own doing what it can best do, rather than constantly infuse scale and volume of economic activity from elsewhere, we may have a better chance at building sustainable economies !

