What If what you need is Hiding 

Behind your lack of an open mind

Sean D. Cothrine Jr.
5 min readDec 25, 2013

Not so long ago you could never get me to ride a roller coaster or get on a plane. I was afriad of not falling but instead I was afraid of failling. I was afriad of showing others that I was afriad..

One day I was forced to consider facing fear. I had to take the plane trip because if I did not take it I would have been left out in the cold alone and homeless. And I hated to get on that roller coaster ride but because that pretty girl was just to important to me for me to ruined our great date on my closed mindedness I just pleased my lungs with a nice wiff of fresh air, then I steped into the coaster and we had a great night. And to my suprise it all was ok. To my suprise the key to my mind blocks where my lack of breathing while in the worst of situations and my lack of an open mind.

In our most natural state we are excited and relaxed. It is in this state that the greatest songs where written and the greatest devices where designed. It is the state of mind that I call the “ let go state”. Because it is a simple as letting go. Being in the moument and loose maybe more essential to having a happy life than we might have thought of in our past encounters. Back then when we made those mistakes. Those mistakes that changed our life and brought us hear. We were not so relaxed or not relaxed enough to actually experience the reality of the what took place in that moument. And this is why we look back and say “ I wish I did this or that” or “ I was in my right mind because I would’ve done things differently”..

My grandmother use to always say “ when you are angry never make decisions, wait a while, stop breath and relax, get some oxygen to the brain first and then think and make the decision.” This advice brought me to the conclsuion that anger and fear are one in the same..

I say Fear is the resistance to letting go of an neggative idea of a event that hasn’t occured and is not happending. When one is “ in fear” he or she is more in thier own mind creating an uncomfortable experience that is unnecessary. In the fearful state of mind I find that I am either in the past which no longer exist or I am in the future which will never exist. Therefore I say that fear and anger are illusions. Or atleast when we are in these mind states we are creating the expereince of a illusion subconsciously. Fear is holding on to an idea or belief. Joy is letting go and falling freely with no worries regardless of the circumstances at hand.

Ideas and belives forms or effect the reality we expereince in the moument. You can imagine that some one who is afraid of dogs will have a hard time petting your great dane or even your little choowawah. Because that person is holding a perconscived belive or idea of what a dog is before actaully expreinceing that indivisual dog’s personality. The same aplies to sterotypes and other preconceived notions of the future or past without experiencing either the future or past for these are to also just ideas that we create in our mind for communicating purposes.

And this is percisely where I wanted to go with this. If you happend to hold on to ideas or believes and refuse to replace them. I am afraid to say you suffer from a closed mind. But no worries my friend, in truth we are all suffering from it from a philisophical point of view everyone is both right and wrong. Even I who promotes opening the mind suffers form a closed mind. It would be hard getting me to open my mind to the idea of closing my mind because my truth is that a opened mind is a free mind and a free mind leads to a free life but other truth maybe the opposite. Some one who promotes a belief system of some sort wiether it be religous or superstious (which might be one in the same) will unconsciously inspire me to replace my ideas and beliefs and replace it with a system that was made for them which will result in having a closed mind to anything that does not support that particular belief system. My truth is that if I am going to put an programed system in my mind wiether it be super natural or not It will be original and based upon my own experiences and not others. It is my preference for my mind to be free and open to new experiences, ideas and beliefs to avoid being enslaved to dogmative thought patterns.


Not everyone has experienced that “openness”for themselves therfore trying to get some one to change their ideas or belives is like trying to get some one to try your new orignal blend of coffe or grandmother to upgrade from her basic phone to a smart phone. As long as it works don’t try to fix it but trying something new doesn’t mean you can’t keep the old it just means you now have a experience with both the old and new and now you can decided weither to keep doing things the old way or start doing things the new way. That new cup of joe or that new shirt that was given to you as a gift.. You Never know what its like until you open your mind to trying it out and thinking differently about it..

Peace Love and Unity .. Till the next time..

