How ReMoneta will take cryptocurrency mainstream

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3 min readJul 10, 2018

The world’s no.1 rated ICO expert Simon Cocking (ICOBench rating no.1 from 23,000 people) recently wrote in an interview that what excites him most about ReMoneta is that it will take crypto to the mainstream. How will that happen?

ReMoneta has designed a series of features which make it appeal to the mass audience. The first is accessibility. ReMoneta has “anyone, anywhere, anytime” access. Anyone with a web browser, whether mobile or computer can easily access ReMoneta and use all the functionality through its Functional Hub service to the blockchain. Technical users can connect directly, use their own online/offline wallets and do everything as normal, but the added simplicity is what allows the mainstream to like and use ReMoneta.

ReMoneta offers “anyone, anywhere, anytime” access.

It has zero transaction costs. This instantly appeals to anyone who would like to transfer funds to someone else in the world, buy a product and every retailer, service provider and sales organisation in the world would like to pay nothing for using money. That is “killer app” kind of functionality.

The currency is completely stable, even more so than currencies from existing countries. You can have a look at our Philosophy paper on the website to read more about this.

The system allows Micropayments. This is a completely new industry opening up many possibilities for retailers and community members and you can read more about it here:

The group companies have real land backing. This gives a solid underlying value to the system (even more so than fiat, let alone cryptocurrencies). It provides long term surety of existence, lack of risk and together with a machine intelligent long term pricing model, complete stability of the currency. It even helps global commerce to become more stable, beating other currencies which rely on political sentiment, quantitative easing, ecoonomic growth or another future “hot air” expectation. As we have seen, crypto is massively volatile and fiat currency falls in value. ReMoneta distinguishes itself. This solidity and stability is a necessity for any cryptocurrency to go mainstream.

ReMoneta is based on values. The system incorporates positive global values of the environment, clean energy, animal welfare, human health and global unity into the global commerce process. Now money has values. Many people are understanding that living and acting according to your values is most important. By buying ReMoneta, the system drives the community, retailers and service providers to promote our community-shared values as well as promoting ReMoneta itself. Everyone is rewarded for doing this.

Which brings us to the final major topic — retailers and community members receive rewards for buying and using ReMoneta. This really strengthens the drive of the community and retailers to adopt and use ReMoneta.

For instance, every member of the community can earn a reward through these actions. Mining in ReMoneta is not about using electricity or computing power. It is done completely differently. Instead it is by promoting the positive global values and the ReMoneta system, that the community rewards its members. The system is powered and controlled by the community and when the community hits its targets, each member can earn a large multiple.

Community is in the centre of ReMoneta.

These factors, among other benefits can really propel ReMoneta into the mainstream and allow cryptocurrencies to break out of their current market. That would really be the social change we are looking for.

ReMoneta is a strongly capitalised ReFinTech company based in the EU which combines Real Estate (RE), Finance (Fin) and Technology (Tech). Visit for more information.




ReMoneta — a unique Venture Capital platform for developing disruptive products by combining Real Estate, Finance and Technology.