ReMoneta was invited to the Voice Of Blockchain

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2 min readAug 31, 2018

The recent Voice of Blockchain conference in Chicago featured 100 speakers spread across two days. The panels included various experts, veterans, and influencers of the blockchain world, such as Tony Vays, Edmund Moy, Leslie Ankney, Daniel Jeffries, Lindsay Nuon, Brittany Keiser, and many more. Discussions were engaging and even heated at some point, but most panelists seemed to work towards the same goal — to bring blockchain technologies to the mainstream. ReMoneta shares this goal. For more information see

The area and topics were divided into 4 sections — Fintech & Markets, Innovation, Build (or #BUIDL), and Social Good. For example, Ben Siegel from ConsenSys Social Impact discussed how blockchain works for NPOs and how it can be implemented to help people take charge of their own lives.

“Everything we should do is help people solve their own problems”, said Siegel. The idea of “teach a man to fish” is old but applies even in blockchain technology. For instance, the conference also featured a number of booths in the social good area who were actively working on education people in blockchain. An example Siegel brought was the aid delivered to areas of need but due to lack of infrastructure and access to banks, the aid was stuck at the borders and people in need could not get to it. In the end, cryptocurrencies were used to release the aid.

Liina Lind, ReMoneta Director of Community Relations with Ben Siegel from ConsenSys Social Impact

Perhaps this shows that we need blockchain and cryptocurrencies to be more accessible, especially to those who may benefit from it the most. But accessibility without education and know-how is futile. To avoid the issue of “If you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day”, blockchain companies should think about working together with humanitarians and those who benefit from it. As Siegel said, it’s all about creating new systems of trust, and they are built by the people, for the people.

We at ReMoneta believe the same. Our “anyone, anytime, anywhere” approach means access for all people without any technical knowledge needed to use the system. After all, without users and without the community, most blockchain systems would fail. Also for us, educating our users and helping new users adjust is key to mass-adoption. We hereby invite all other blockchain and cryptocurrency organizations to work together toward the same goal — ensuring blockchain becomes ubiquitous.

ReMoneta is a strongly capitalised ReFinTech company based in the EU which combines Real Estate (RE), Finance (Fin) and Technology (Tech). Visit for more information.




ReMoneta — a unique Venture Capital platform for developing disruptive products by combining Real Estate, Finance and Technology.