Don’t tell me, Show me

Dustin Williams
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2021

At Remote Optix we are going to change the way you interact with the world. Whether yours is the design world, building world, built world, or natural world, we are in the process of creating a better experience for you and those with whom you collaborate.

“I can’t believe this isn’t a thing already.”

This is a phrase I hear a lot these days during demonstrations of our commercial live streaming platform, Remote Optix. These early adopters can immediately see that live streaming their projects from drones and phones to any internet browser anywhere in the world is smart and simple. So much so they can’t believe this isn’t something they have already integrated into all the phases of their projects.

Check out this video if you want a quick overview of Remote Optix

The AEC and RE industries are experiencing a surge of new technology and workflow innovation right now. We embrace all of these software and hardware innovators and seek ways to work with them. After all, a rising tide lifts all ships.

Our mutual enemy is time. Time is a finite resource. What we do with our time is what determines our success, our value, and our happiness.

The future of building certainly will not be time spent waiting for RFI answers, a plane to take you to your project, or old reality capture data. (Don’t get me wrong-we love reality capture data, but certain situations require immediate insight that you can only get from real-time video and data.)

Remote Optix is not an RFI tool, but it IS a tool that can be used for RFI’s. Let me present to you this example:

McKinsey & Company estimated construction projects typically take 20 percent longer to finish than scheduled and are up to 80 percent over budget. According to a Navigant white paper, the average response time for RFI’s is between 6–10 days.

What if instead of writing a lengthy, and often misunderstood, RFI description and creating an exhibit of the issue at hand, you instead live-streamed the actual situation with all the stakeholders and got an immediate answer that allowed work to continue, after which you use the video playback to create a confirming RFI for documentation? This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Consider a few more examples - If you are:

  • an Architect or Engineer, think about being expected to be in-person on a project site regularly and at the whim of the project.
  • a GC, imagine trying to coordinate all the stakeholders schedules in order to keep your project on budget and schedule.
  • an Owner, imagine not having to travel to your project and still being able to monitor its progress remotely with a perspective you never could before.
  • in Real Estate, imagine showing listings to out of state buyers, or developers getting a first person point of view of a potential project without getting on a plane — no more “site unseen.”
  • a Municipality, imagine being able to do field inspections from wherever you are; the office, your home, at another project.

We are taking your location, relative to your project, out of the equation. Are we suggesting that in-person meetings are a thing of the past? Not at all. However, live-streaming is the way of future collaboration. Remotely viewing and interacting with your project, team, and tools is happening now and will make building more sustainable, efficient, and enjoyable for all involved.

Not only is Remote Optix a super simple hardware and software agnostic live-streaming platform, we are also adding layers of AR & AI. We are committed to continuing to innovate in ways that can be utilized, not in year from now, today.

We would love you to join us in our journey. If you are curious how you can leverage Remote Optix on your project, visit out our website and sign up for a free account or schedule a demo. We will gladly walk you through our process so you can see for yourself the power of real-time situational awareness and decision making.

