Gamaya Frequently Asked Questions — FAQ

Ivanov Igor
Gamaya blog
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2018

What is Gamaya?

Gamaya is a Swiss-based company that develops agronomy intelligence platform to address crop and region-specific issues to increase efficiency and sustainability of farming businesses. Gamaya uses a combination of space-borne and proprietary drone-based hyperspectral imaging data, along with the corresponding historical climate and weather records. Currently, Gamaya focuses on several strategic markets and provides a tailored solution that includes multiple products from planting efficiency analysis to yield forecasting, weeds detection, detection of nutrients, and beyond.

Do you sell the hyperspectral camera and what is the price? Can you please send some technical information about the camera?

Gamaya is not a camera producer, as our main business lies in data processing and analysis for specific agricultural applications. We use patented HSI cameras as a part of our data processing and analytics services to various agricultural businesses. Currently, we don’t sell our HSI cameras because of the technical challenges associated with their exploitation. Most probably, we will start selling our HSI cameras in 1–2 years.

Technical information on Gamaya HSI camera:

  • Spectral range: 40 channels across 450–900 nm (optional 1 thermal channel)
  • Spatial resolution: 2MPx (optional 5MPx panchromatic channel)
  • Weight: 200 gram
  • Integration with SenseFly eBee Plus is expected by mid 2018

Can we use your services/ products for new crop and/ or new region?

There is no universal solution that could be applied to any type of crop and region due to the environmental and biological complexity of agriculture. Our product should be customized to a particular crop, region and stress type. We are currently focusing on agronomic challenges of specific crops including sugarcane and tobacco in Brazil, and soybean in Ukraine. It takes at least one full growing season and substantial ground scouting to develop a commercial solution to address new region, crop, and stress type.

How can we use your camera/ technology/ platform to develop our own products? I would like to know more about the technology and how it can be applied to my problems?

As our product is not off-the-shelf, our solution should be customized to a particular crop and region. To do so, we partner with established agricultural businesses such as large industrial producers, agronomy offices, crop consultants, local drone operators or other service providers which possess substantial agronomy and crop expertise, large client base and resources to support the product development for their region/crop/stress type.

The product development process is largely based on the collection of ground samples and scouting to characterize a local crop issue in multiple locations over a growing season together with spectral and RGB data. Our core expertise lies in the data processing and further analysis to derive actionable information, and for us ideal partner is the one that has a deep understanding of a crop and crop issues, and a team of agronomists and field workers to support a product development process.

What are the main crops/regions that you work with?

We are currently focusing on agronomic challenges of specific crops including sugarcane and tobacco in Brazil, as well as soybean in Ukraine. We are offering a number of products to large sugarcane growers in Brazil, including planting gaps analysis, weeds detection, as well as biomass and yield estimation.

How can I test your technology? How can I request a demo?

Please send us an email with detailed information to or call us on +41 21 566 78 88. You can also submit a request using our contact form.

Do you provide any services outside of agriculture, for example for mining or forestry applications?

Our solution and associated methodology are designed specifically for farming and agricultural applications. To address other industries we would have to change completely our methodology, hardware, and analytical pipeline.

How the agronomy consultants can work with your company?

We are open to discussing partnership opportunities with local drone operators and/or other advisory service providers, including agronomy consultants which possess substantial agronomy expertise and resources to support the product development for their regions. See above how a product development process works.

On which drones it’s possible to integrate your camera?

Our last-generation HSI camera is designed for SenseFly eBee Plus. However, we can integrate our camera to almost any fixed-wing or multi-rotor drone platform.

Is it possible to use Gamaya software for analytics on imagery captured via multispectral or RGB sensors?

Imagery captured via multispectral or RGB sensors can be sufficient for some products, such as NDVI. Our data processing pipeline and analytics are designed to utilize the benefits of hyperspectral data, however, it can be applied to RGB data for a limited number of informational products.

Can I integrate Gamaya data analytics into my farm management software?

Gamaya is a data intelligence provider, and the data analytics can be integrated via API to most of the farm management platforms available on the market. For data visualization and analysis purposes, Gamaya has developed own web-based platform Orb, that allows to monitor farm and individual fields, see detailed product statistics for the selected area, compare and analyze different informational products and export results in different formats, supported by agricultural machinery.



Ivanov Igor
Gamaya blog

multipotentialite aiming to make agriculture great again!