Soybean field trials for 2016 start this week in Brazil

Soybean field trials in Brazil for 2016

Ivanov Igor
Gamaya blog
3 min readDec 6, 2015


We are proud to announce that we have started our soybean field trials in Brazil for 2016. Five Gamaya experts arrived this week in Kayapo farm where our trials will take place. Kayapo, is a farm specializing in soybean and corn cultivation, using only best agronomical practices. The trials will last for three months. During that period Gamaya, an expert in smart farming using breakthrough hyperspectral imaging technology, aims to expand its soybean toolkit functionality.
For the next growing season in Brazil, which starts from March 2016, Gamaya plans to acquire 10 industrial corn growers and to provide commercial services on the initial area of 2’000 ha. Additional information about our field trials on corn you can find here.

The road to the farm

Gamaya Soybean toolkit

Gamaya is developing a unique toolkit for soybean cultivation specifically adapted for the Brazil and climatic conditions based on field trials and recommendations with its partnering farms. Gamaya soybean toolkit focuses on delivering complete solutions in three critical fields for soybean cultivation.

By leveraging our knowledge driven algorithms, Gamaya facilitates the optimum delivery of chemicals, reducing the associated costs by 20%. By allowing the optimum distribution of fertilisers we further facilitate a substantial increase in yield, an up to 40% reduction in fertilizer usage as well as 50% decrease in losses associated with pests and diseases. Finally by providing a yield forecast throughout the growing season we facilitate a more efficient harvest management and ensure a better price for your yield at an early stage.

Early pests and diseases detection

Due to the specific cultivation conditions in Brazil, pests and diseases can spread fast. Lack of rain and high temperatures can leave the plants vulnerable to attacks for pests and diseases while nematodes infections can affect big parts of the field if they go undetected. Gamaya is focusing in early detection, when the first infestation spots appear on the field, helping the soybean producer to target quickly and efficiently the infested areas.

Assessment of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) content

Plant nutrition is critical for the development of the plants and the maximization of the yield. However this critical crop information is only available through laborious and time consuming chemical analysis of the soil before cultivation and leaf sampling after emergence. This information are sample dependent and they allow of only an average picture of the field. Gamaya nutrient monitoring tool promises to provide an accurate map of the exact nutrient needs of the plant with a 40cm spatial resolution.

Yield prediction and biomass development

Gamaya soybean toolkit can effectively access the total health of the crop during the season by accurately monitoring the spatial information on the development of the plant biomass, leaf area index and plant water status through out the season. This information are coupled with the Gamaya soybean yield prediction tool. This tool takes into account the climatic condition, the crop growth and the total health status of the crop and is able to estimate the crop yield well before harvest. This way the grower will have the opportunity to plan ahead with the financial contracts.

Soybean growing in Brazil in a substrate of corn residuals



Ivanov Igor
Gamaya blog

multipotentialite aiming to make agriculture great again!