The Cornershop Odyssey

A courageous trip into the abyss, looking for some groceries.

Nico Poggi
2 min readApr 29, 2019

Snow and shivers. Snow and shivers. That’s what you get when fighting the gods of cold itself, I must get ready for this!

Ding. “Hey, Cathy! Gathering some supplies to fight cold itself.”

Ahhhh, that’s a lil’ better for my sorry bones Let’s see, I need a weapon. Something that can fend these bastard’s cold grasp and keep me well and alive.

What about Soup? I could do with such an ally! 50% pumpkin, 50% might. All that I need.

Ok, but a bowl of soup is worthless without croutons. After all, I am a respected knight… Couldn’t be seen out there wielding hot soup and no croutons, I’d be shamed eternally.

Croutons… Crou-tons, c-r-o-u…

“Top shelf, aisle 4, Emma!”

Got them! Thanks, Cat, my loyal squire!

Excellent! I can feel their faces melting already, fear for I am equipped! But, these creatures are tricky indeed, and they can get to me. What about the permafrost that slushes my brain up and keeps it from acting properly?

“Catherine, I need unfreeze my head! How can I break the spell of this cold night?”



Nico Poggi

Thinking of a Distributed Future | Head of Marketing at Fleek | Former Brand & Growth of Prey Inc | Cultural Journo | Sci-fi Wizard and Writer | 🇦🇷