4 Lessons to Take Away from the Pandemic


Remote Symfony Team
5 min readJul 3, 2022


The business world is a challenging and strenuous domain, but it can also be highly rewarding. Many workers have found their calling, their passion or their mission in this journey through various jobs, projects and pursuits.

Unfortunately, the pandemic represented a huge roadblock that put many people’s lives on hold and deterred them from reaching their objectives and fulfilling their goals. During this difficult time, numerous unprepared businesses went up in smoke, while prepared ones thrived. Certain leaders were able to turn these problematic circumstances into an opportunity and took their companies to another level. Others saw their lifelong dreams fail and will have to start over or redirect their energy toward other plans.

Now that we can look back at that period with more clarity and put things into perspective, here are a few lessons that we can learn from the pandemic, which might make us and our businesses better in the future.

1. The office space is optional

Owners and employees of large and small businesses quickly realized that they needed an alternative way of communicating with each other and with customers, which did not demand face-to-face interaction. For the majority, the solution was using virtual software, such as Zoom or Skype.

They noticed that tasks can be performed just as efficiently from a computer set up in one’s living room, that commute time was eliminated and thus, workers were happier and transportation costs were reduced, that travel expenses could be cut down if they didn’t require in-face interaction and that office space maintenance and utility costs could be lowered by reducing capacity and having people come in alternatively, if needed.

2. Adaptability is essential

In life, you can never control or predict the circumstances around you, but you can be prepared for whatever might come your way. No one expected the pandemic or the war that has affected the entire world economy lately, but some companies have had the ability to adjust and comply with the ever-changing conditions and moreover, flourish and create a stable basis on which to build in the future.

Successful entrepreneurs should be responsive and quickly adapt to circumstances, while staying true to their core beliefs and principles. The market never remains the same, regardless of the industry you are activating in, so you have to be constantly on the move and remain agile, in order to change and fit in with the new reality.

3. Social media matters a lot

Before the pandemic, many entrepreneurs treated social media as a side interest, an extension of their business persona that could be invested in and developed, or disregarded and only checked on from time to time, since they doubted the genuine value of their online presence.

However, when the pandemic hit, virtual branding suddenly became a top priority for any entrepreneur. If customers couldn’t find them online, then they lost profits and recognition. As a result, many company owners started to expand their brand image on social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok or Instagram. In the future, social media will be a crucial tool for growing businesses, attracting clients and making oneself known across the globe.

A side effect of this is that companies need to be extra careful about online reviews, be they on Google, Facebook or Tripadvisor, since they can make or break their reputation, discourage prospective customers from doing business with them or even lead to their downfall.

4. Podcasts are a great way of connecting with customers

During the pandemic, podcasting has really taken off and many businesses have had great success in using it. It has proven to be an effective tool for connecting with people who want to find out more about the business, learn inside information, get to know the staff members or simply spend some quality time listening to interesting subjects being debated.

Nowadays, there are podcasts related to restaurants, gyms, stores, IT domains, journalism and nearly every industry on the market.

Not just another teacher

All in all, we think that the pandemic has been a great teacher that taught us we need to keep up with new technologies and adapt to the times.

At TRISOFT we believe that being prepared for almost anything, investing in one’s online identity, following virtual trends and allowing flexibility with regard to the workspace will allow businesses to thrive during tough periods and represent lessons to be carried well into the future.

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Remote Symfony Team

We are TRISOFT, a Symfony oriented software development company, lead by @symfonydevro. Get in touch with us at www.trisoft.ro or info@trisoft.ro