How to Find Your Path as an Entrepreneur

Remote Symfony Team
5 min readJul 3, 2022


When establishing a business, there seem to be two main paths that an entrepreneur can take. The first is to analyze, identify and observe the needs of the market, thus creating a business plan aimed at solving the world’s biggest problems and achieving success at the same time.

The other path an entrepreneur can take is to listen to their calling, their passion, what they are best at and pursue that activity and maybe even create a need for what they are offering in the market.

Most experienced entrepreneurs who have tried both paths in order to see which one fits them best feel very strongly that the second path is the ‘lucky’ one.

Born from love

Apparently, following your passion and conducting a successful business are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, when you have something dear and valuable in which to invest your energy, time, love and dedication, it will thrive and bring you benefits in return.

Furthermore, a company born from a cherished idea or project can eventually evolve into a sought-after product or service provider, by adapting to and following the market trends. As long as you don’t feel that you have completely abandoned your goals, principles and culture, you can combine your lifelong dream and the way in which you can make a comfortable living.

It really matters

Time and again, reality has shown that following the market alone does not work — companies built solely on raising profits and catering to practical needs, without a minimal investment of emotion and interaction with customers, attention to the human side of the business and commitment to a special purpose are aimed for failure and extinction.

If an entrepreneur does not feel passion for his business, it will not fulfill his motivational needs, therefore the company is bound to collapse in the long run — regardless of how successful the business is.

Many well-known entrepreneurs have spoken publicly about the importance of pursuing your calling or passion. They have emphasized the fact that time is limited, so we must choose wisely and carefully the tasks and projects in which we want to invest it; that even our time on this planet is limited, so if we don’t spend all or most of our days doing something we like, something that is important to us or something that could make a difference in the world, we might end up disappointed and unhappy; that being purposeful, meaningful, creative and different are of utmost importance and will take our legacy well into the future; that seeking and following a calling will make efforts more bearable and turn exhaustion into fuel.

Passion is countifyable

Here are a few results of following your passion in business:

  • The company’s vision will be based on what genuinely motivates the entrepreneur, the staff and, in the end, the clients.
  • Passionate business owners are more productive and yield better financial gains because they care and get involved personally, which always shows and impresses customers.
  • Having passion infuses authenticity into the brand.
  • Specific goals that entrepreneurs are dedicated to will bring clarity when doubts arise.
  • Passion will spark the motivation needed to start and grow the business.
  • Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals to network with is always a great idea.
  • Setting the business apart from competitors will make it more recognizable and productive.

It is hard work starting a business, especially since the beginning can usually be rocky, challenging and littered with obstacles and hardships. Without passion, there will never be sufficient motivation to stick with it and see it through its startup phase all the way to a fully developed company. Without that drive, it will be easy to quit and move on to something else.

Start today

First of all, you have to establish what you are passionate about and what makes you want to get up in the morning and keep going. If you can build a business around that, you are well on the way to success.

However, even if it cannot be the main focus of your firm, don’t forget it, but rather try to integrate it in one way or another into what you have managed to create. Who knows, maybe you will become a pioneer and invent a combination of domains that no one has thought of before. Or it can simply be souvenirs, memorabilia, photos and other things you keep around and that remind you of your calling and your end goal.

Whatever you need, just to keep it always in the back of your mind and draw your energy from it.

The calling

Remember that passion is contagious to those around you. When you merge your passion and your business, not only will you not give up on your dreams, but your attitude and love for what you do will also shine through. Investors, partners and clients are going to love your product because you yourself love it so much.

In our experience, when one does something with love and devotion, they will not only satisfy a need on the marker, but also make themselves happy. And indeed, at TRISOFT we are always on our way to find our calling.

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Remote Symfony Team

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