How to move your business online in times of crisis

Remote Symfony Team
6 min readApr 6, 2020


Traditional businesses sell their products or services in a physical office or store, have face to face contact or some form of direct interaction with their clients and rely mostly on cash transactions and human relations.

However, in recent years, along with the development of Internet access and social media, it has become advisable for everyone to have an online presence. If, until now, business owners could choose to make the transition toward computer-based commerce or not, today, the shift is rather imperative.

Lots of good stuff

But we shouldn’t see this as something negative. On the contrary, the benefits of moving your business online are many: it can boost your company’s image, customers can access your products at any time of the day or night, from all over the world, it reduces operational costs (rent, utilities, other office expenses), it enhances credibility and boosts trust levels, and in times of crisis, you are sure to have continuity, since the Internet could never be shut down.

How to do it?

1. Invest in your website

The first step in taking your business online is creating a website or optimizing and updating it, if you already have one. You can hire an agency or a web developer for that, or simply follow the steps and guidelines offered on certain DIY platforms. A website isn’t only supposed to look pretty, but also provide good content, be user-friendly and give all the information that the customer is looking for.

Keep it constantly updated with regard to stocks, prices and delivery times, keep in touch with website visitors and the people who place orders, get involved and don’t be afraid to micro-manage all the aspects of the business, so that everything will run smoothly. Make sure there are no spelling errors, typos, wrong information or links that don’t work properly, since the trustworthiness of your company is usually deemed to be only as good as the quality of your website and the attention you pay to details.

Remember that no one knows your business like you do or will become as involved in maintaining or growing it, therefore adopt a hands-on strategy.

2. Enable secure online payments

Secondly, think about setting up an online payment system that will facilitate the transfer of money between you and your clients. Create a dedicated bank account and draw up a contract with the bank, so that you can set up a secure payment processing page and accept credit card payments. Send invoices by e-mail and other electronic means, or on paper, delivered along with the goods.

Also, think of a return and refund system. Will you give money back? How? Will you exchange products or offer a voucher for other services? Plan this out ahead of time and be ready with a clear and adequate policy.

3. Use social media at its very best

Thirdly, make the most out of social media — focus on one or two platforms that work best for your market. Be sure to make extensive research on your audience and ways to profit from online recommendations and human networks, contact influencers or public figures to endorse your products or services to their followers, write blog posts or advertise special discounts so that you will get more traffic to your website and engage people.

Publish content in the form of text and visuals that will attract users to your business page. Encourage your audience to review your business and its services and share their experience. Provide a link to your website so that customers can access it for more information about your company and products.

Social media works to your advantage in an era when everyone is on their cellphones and laptops, killing time more than ever on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

4. Use good SEO

Exploit SEO tools to stay ahead of the competition and rank among the first results in search engines. There are programs and methods you can use for minimum costs or even for free to grow your web presence. Start with a niche marketplace and existing clients, but be ready and prepare for explosive scenarios as well — your business may boom overnight and you must be able to handle the demand.

And even if success doesn’t arrive abruptly, it is likely that your business will grow and change by taking on new and exciting dimensions. Act for future success and stay one step ahead of the trend.

5. KIS

One ruling principle throughout the entire process should be Keep It Simple (KIS). Odds are that, if you are forced to move your business online virtually overnight, you don’t have a lot of time for research, plans and implementation strategies. Don’t overdo anything, create your website, keep it functional and updated and focus on clients.

There is no need to go from zero web presence to a complex, interactive and ever-changing website. Start with a plain, professional and smooth-working design and develop it over time, if you choose to. Keep in mind that in the online business, efficiency is more important than aspect and intricacy.

Connect with coworkers or employees online, have meetings using Skype, Zoom or other such programs, and you can even render certain services through these modern applications. Contact couriers or set up your own transport service for deliveries goods and merchandise that cannot be offered online. Offer virtual tours of your store or headquarter, so that clients may feel closer to you.

Social distancing doesn’t mean professional alienation

In the world of business, the only constant is change. At TRISOFT, we believe that even in times of crisis, it is important to be flexible and adapt in order to remain competitive on the market. Moving your enterprise online is a necessity in the context of social distancing we are experiencing throughout the world; it is definitely a challenge, but at the same time it can be a great marketing move that will reveal you to a larger audience and increase your chances of generating better income.

Fortunately, there are several small things, such as the tips included in this article, that you can do to start moving your business online. The Internet has made it easier than ever to manage everything from your computer. All you need to do is get started.


Remote Symfony Team

We are TRISOFT, a Symfony oriented software development company, lead by @symfonydevro. Get in touch with us at or