New Year’s Resolutions for your business and not only

Remote Symfony Team
6 min readDec 30, 2015


It’s that time of the year again — shopping, baking pies, making plans for the year to come. Starting January 1st I will quit smoking, I will eat healthier, I will go to the gym twice a week, I will spend more time with my friends, I will read more, I will get up earlier in the morning and go to bed earlier at night, I will invest more in my hobbies, I will go on an exotic vacation, I will tell my boss he should treat me better, I will be more productive, I will… I will… I will…

We all spend some time reflecting at the end of the year, thinking about what we’ve done, how we could have done it better and if we’re ambitious enough, writing down a few resolutions for the new year. The end of the year is also a good time for entrepreneurs to take stock of what worked well for their business, look ahead and decide on their goals for what they’d like to accomplish. Reflecting on your business’s progress over the past year and thinking of just how you want to develop in the following one might prove quite efficient if you take into consideration a few simple rules, the most important of which being to keep it real. Keep your goals realistic and practical, and follow on them throughout the year.

Here are a few ideas of New Year’s resolutions you might dig.

Resolution #1 — I will simplify my ways

One important lesson we have learned in our experience is that sometimes less is more and as much as you try to make things more complex, the more difficult it may become to cope with your business challenges. Keep it simple where you can and focus on the old-school but straightforward approaches that have brought you success in the past. So a first resolution might just be to lose the clutter and streamline your processes, this way clarifying your vision and basically stripping things down to the basics where it suits you. Simplification also means being able to spend your efforts where it counts the most.

Resolution #2 — I will invest only in what matters for my business

In the struggle to make things work for their company, entrepreneurs often find themselves trying too hard and investing unwisely. Another risk is accepting any type of customer, no matter the profits they bring or how beneficial they really are for the business in the long run.

This is where resolution number 2 comes in. Forget about clients who suck up all your time and only bring project negativity. Forget about clients who pay late (or at all!) and always expect bonuses. Remember that one of the perks of being a business owner is that you can actually choose who you work with and when, so take advantage of your status and make better decisions in the year to come.

Resolution #3 — I will grow my business

Of course, this is what every company manager wants at all times, not only during the winter holidays. However, the new year may have the desired impact provided you go with the flow and start focusing more on taking all new opportunities — on networking, meeting clients, expansion and growth. Grow your connections, expand your reach and become more profitable — these are the main prerogatives of resolution number 3.

Resolution #4 — I will promote my business better

It so happens that among all the urgent, pressing tasks we set for ourselves we often forget one of the most important ones — promotion of our business. This is why resolution number 4 dares you to give more time and energy to your marketing strategies — either if it means hiring a marketing expert or creating a marketing plan yourself. If your goal is to attract new clients, don’t let this one slip to the bottom of your to-do list. You could simply start by increasing your online social networking daily and writing more blog posts on the company blog.

Resolution #5 — I will give back

They say those that give, get. So maybe it’s time to make a resolution out of giving back to your community what it has given you or even more. Helping others can help both in your business and in your personal life and starting off the year by committing to give back can really be incredibly positive and rewarding.

You could maybe donate your time to teaching students about your field of expertise. Or conduct some free trainings for those who want to get in the business but don’t know where to start. Or even offer your business’s services or products where they are needed. Sharing your knowledge and experience freely will not only give you the great feeling that you are doing something good for society, but will also expose your business to new audiences and help you meet people with whom you can collaborate in the future.

Be a mentor, be a volunteer, be that someone who you talk about and admire when reading his amazing success story.

Resolution #6 — I will drop what’s not working for me and move on

In the new year, learn how to let go of anything that is not profitable for your business and move on. Sometimes hanging on to a product or a method or a supplier for more than what they are worth it, is more damaging than not having them in the first place. Not all products live forever, not all strategies work for everyone and definitely not all collaborators are suited for your company.

So make a resolution out of constantly analyzing your business circumstances and dropping what isn’t working. And move on. Something better will come along, promise!

Resolution #7 — I will enjoy more

And since we spend so much time at work, it’s only natural that we wish to enjoy it more. The last resolution we are proposing is to try and make your business environment not only desirable, but also pleasurable. Get to know your employees, colleagues and clients more and this way you will foster a healthy, solid company spirit that will eventually make you happier and more productive.

`Tis the season to make them happen

Rumor has it that most New Year’s resolutions are broken by January 15th or so :) So maybe the trick is not finding, defining and writing down some goals that you call resolutions, but actually following on them and making them happen. So put them on your calendar, assign them to yourself or your employees, keep them handy so that you can look at them throughout the year. In our experience, it proves that whether you believe in them or not, keeping a list of action items can help you get a fresh start and achieve your goals in the year to come.

At TRISOFT, we have already started our list of priorities for the year to come and we are optimistic they will help us kick off the year in a positive and productive way. Can’t wait to share them with you very soon!



Remote Symfony Team

We are TRISOFT, a Symfony oriented software development company, lead by @symfonydevro. Get in touch with us at or