Sustainability as a Factor in Consumer Loyalty

Remote Symfony Team
4 min readNov 28, 2022


According to current studies and market analyses, today’s consumers in most parts of the world want, prefer and seek eco-friendly products and packaging.

They usually consider a company’s environmental footprint before purchasing items manufactured by them and would be more inclined to use their services if they showed more concern regarding the materials and processes involved in their activities.

Business leaders who want to gain a better understanding of modern consumer trends should take an interest in sustainable products and packaging.

What does the data show?

Scientists around the globe agree that the planet’s climate requires immediate action in order to avoid a catastrophe. Scientists estimate that there will be an existential threat to human civilization in the next 30 years if this issue is not addressed.

According to several surveys, consumers believe that brands have as much responsibility as governments and ordinary people to create positive environmental changes. Clients who are interested in keeping the planet inhabitable for many years to come will analyze and side with brands that are compatible with their own values and priorities.

New considerations

Although affordability and quality are still the main factors behind the majority of purchase decisions, important considerations are also health and safety principles, as well as environmental impact. Customers are buying more environmentally friendly products than they did in the past and an overwhelming number are considering buying even more in the future.

This change in the behavior of consumers, who are willing to pay extra and go to greater lengths for eco-friendly products, enhances the need for companies to increase their commitments to responsible business practices, so that they will overcome negative consumer sentiments and align themselves with a general propensity toward supporting circular economy and using natural resources instead of plastic, for example, or other non-sustainable materials.

It is what the client wants

Product and service users are generally interested in doing whatever they can in order to live more sustainably and expect businesses to play a part in this endeavor. While many consumers intentionally seek out brands and businesses that observe their values, principles and standards, they are also inclined to switch products or companies when a certain aspect violates their ethics.

Consumers also tend to be vocal about these transgressions and call them out in online forums or review pages and apps, which can be detrimental for a company’s image and public perception. Many use social media to address their concerns and complaints, and there are a few who are willing to protest companies at their offices, headquarters or other branches and locations.

It is bad business for companies to disregard the interests and concerns of their most loyal and active customers, since they might face a decrease in sales and PR repercussions.

Industries and companies must listen to their consumers about what they want and cherish. The most successful and appreciated business executives take a real interest in what their clients suggest and their desires, realizing that consumer demand will ultimately drive their brands to create sustainable products, processes and best practices.

The new world

All industries have been making a combined effort to use sustainable materials. Consumers have the capacity to inspire entire industries to change and become better, and the benefit for those companies is that they have a huge increase in their market sector.

An environmentally aware business considers and values more than just profits — it acknowledges its impact on society and the environment and acts accordingly. Such a business is essential because it contributes to the overall health of the system within which it functions, therefore aiding in building an environment in which the people, plants, animals, and businesses can thrive together.

At TRISOFT we invite you to be a part of the change and play your role in creating a thriving future for our planet and those who will inherit it.

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Remote Symfony Team

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