What Does 2022 Have in Store for the IT Domain?


Remote Symfony Team
5 min readJul 3, 2022


As it is natural and expected in a modern, dynamic world, a multitude of new technology trends and methodologies will surface in the domain of software development beginning with 2022.

And if we’ve learned anything during the previous years (and I guess we did), it’s that we have to prepare for the unexpected.

The transformations past

Software development has seen numerous transformations during this last century and, with the new year just starting, many companies and organizations will be forced to adapt their web and app development processes in order to meet the market’s ever-changing expectations and improve user experience. By better understanding the current trends in IT, we can keep up with transitions, adjustments and innovations, thus paving the way toward significant breakthroughs in the future.

Although it’s difficult to predict what will happen in the technological world in the following period, we can learn from and build on the present directions. Here are some essential tendencies and projections for the IT domain.

1. Programming languages

In the area of programming languages, one thing is certain: the market is going to evolve. According to recent data, programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, C++ and Java remain some of the most widely used, but new ones are making incredible progress and are definitely worth your effort to learn.

For example, Julia (initially developed in 2012) tries to make it easier to process numbers and mathematical equations, turning it into the ideal programming language for data scientists. On the other hand, Google has attempted to introduce a language that merges some of the best features in several other languages — thus, Go offers users a very simple tool with straightforward syntax.

However, fortunately, the programming world will not be completely destroyed and then rebuilt from scratch. Instead, these changes will come into effect gradually and repetitively, giving all of us a chance to keep up with them through the learning curve.

Be on the lookout for new languages that might appear and if you’re a programmer, constantly challenge yourself by learning new things.

2. Cross-platform development

From the point of view of cross-platform development, it has become a necessity to merge various operating systems traits, since it’s becoming too expensive and troublesome to keep things separate and disconnected.

With cross-platform technologies, two or more platforms can be supported with one code base, diminishing the need for additional engineering resources, while at the same time enhancing the opportunity for implementation. Isolation and segregation are not options for the future. Instead, collaborations, partnerships and teamwork will become the norm, so you might want to get ahead of things and figure out how you can help various companies achieve this goal. What you need to do is build a single application that can run on various operating systems, instead of developing different app versions for each platform.

3. Blockchain

When it comes to blockchain, the fundamental idea is that it creates a secure, decentralized and invariable database which records all transactions in chronological order. This operation guarantees that every bit of information included on the blockchain is correct.

Including a level of security and transparency into transactions makes conducting business transactions much easier for all parties involved. Almost every cryptocurrency will be coupled with one or more end-user software programs that will utilize it as an internal currency to purchase and trade assets on the open market.

Therefore, in 2022, there will be a high demand for software firms that have expertise in blockchain technology.

4. Human augmentation

And to end things in a controversial manner, the subject of human augmentation is the one that brings the most tension and uncertainty. First of all, we have artificial intelligence (AI), which can advise parties during negotiations and aid marketing teams in developing more efficient advertisements.

Furthermore, low-code and no-code platforms are gaining popularity, and they can help companies achieve more in less time. Although there is some confusion and concern with regard to working alongside robots or programs, organizations will have to accept this new class of workers in order to remain competitive in the future.


As new technologies occupy more and more aspects of our everyday lives, we will definitely see increasing interest and commitment across a wide range of industries.

By knowing the current essential software development trends, you will be able to guide any company’s decisions regarding strategies connected to their technological infrastructure.

At TRISOFT we believe 2022 is a year of incredible growth in application development, and there will be many digital and software fields that will emerge as a result of this expansion.

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Remote Symfony Team

We are TRISOFT, a Symfony oriented software development company, lead by @symfonydevro. Get in touch with us at www.trisoft.ro or info@trisoft.ro