Garrison Snelling
Remote Together
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2016


The key to working remote most people say is a good morning routine. Something that becomes a habit and you just do. That is realistically the best way to make sure that even on the hard days you get out of bed and get going.

So what kind of things should your daily routines include? Here are a few things that I’m about to make my own.

  • Get up early — When I wake up I discover that I’m pretty groggy and I am not super focused. So it always helps to wake up an hour or two before your daily meeting.
  • Breakfast — They say it’s the most important part of the day for a reason. For most of my life I didn’t eat breakfast and then I started to eat breakfast and noticed an increase in productivity. So I highly recommend it.
  • Prayer or meditation — I try to pray every morning. I have a list of people and things on a trello board that I try and pray for. If you’re not into praying I hear calm is a great app.
  • Drink some water — most people don’t realize that most of the time when humans wake up we are dehydrated and so that 8oz cup of water can really set your day up for success.
  • Get a workout in — staying physically fit is super important for people who are either standing or sitting all day. A basic work out routine can save you a lot of back problems in the future.



Garrison Snelling
Remote Together

Want-to-be entrepreneur, leader, and follower of Jesus.