A Deep Dive Into Remote Viewing Tournament, the Psychic Competition App with Real Prizes

Creator Michael Ferrier opens up about the data, his motivations, and vision in an illuminating interview

Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine


A scuba diving dude is metaphorically plumbing the depths of his subconscious. What treasures might he find? — RV Tournament Logo courtesy of Michael Ferrier,

What is Remote Viewing Tournament?

For the uninitiated, Remote Viewing Tournament (or RV Tournament) is a sophisticated, competitive associative remote viewing (ARV) game available on Android and iOS smart device platforms.

Players take on a daily challenge to predict which of two randomly selected target images is the correct one, first sketching out their impressions before making a final selection via one of several “judging” methods. (The judging may instead be entrusted to other anonymous players.) Correct answers are always revealed the next day.

For any individual player to score well over time, they either must benefit from random chance or demonstrate psychic functioning. Rules of probability would expect a mean hit rate of 50% for each player and for the collective pool of all player trials.

An example of sketched notes within RV Tournament and the corresponding photo feedback from the following day



Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine

r/remoteviewing mod, dreamer, degrees in pharmacy, business & molecular biology, Latter-day Saint priest, father, meditator, uniformed health officer, weirdo