My challenges with ‘Controlled’ Remote Viewing (CRV)

WOW! Where do I begin…

Rena Huisman
Remote Viewing Community Magazine
3 min readOct 8, 2019



August 18, 2019

WOW! Where do I begin … Years ago when I still lived in Southern California, I attended a weekly class called, Psychic Forensics at the Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim, California. It was taught by one of my favorite instructors, Nick Sutcliffe. When we showed up for class Thursday evenings, we never knew what to expect. Would we be using the dowsing rods out in the garden searching for hidden treasure? Would we be helping someone locate a missing item? Would we be providing a group reading for a person who lost a loved one? Or … Would we be practicing Remote Viewing?

Historically speaking, Remote Viewing has been the most challenging to my intuitive abilities. And trust me when I say that every time I showed up for class and there was a sealed envelope sitting on the table in front of each chair, a long deep sigh came pouring out of me, shortly followed by whining and eye-rolling because “It was so freaking hard.” Why? Because it was.

Regardless of whether the target is human/animal (Biological), a location, or an event, our first instinct is to Name and Guess (NAG) what it is. It was difficult not to “want to be right.” Is this normal? Yes. Our human (Ego) wants to be right, period the end. We don’t like to be wrong or even a little off. We want to stand up and say, “I nailed it!” Then run around the room high-fiving everyone. But it’s not that easy. You can’t meditate your way into identifying the target, and you can’t beg your guides to give you the answers (although they may help a little bit). You have to find a way to look at the target information (coordinates), surrender to the process, and just let your imagination go free. This is NOT simple, especially when Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) is involved. Let me explain.

When I practiced with Nick, there was not a controlled structure around the process. Sometimes the envelopes would have the latitude and longitude written on the outside, and he would instruct us to identify the location by prompting us with questions such as: How does the location feel? Is it warm/cold/hot/dry/wet? Do you smell anything? What do you see? Trees/buildings/people/animals? Do you hear anything? Traffic/birds/water running? How about taste? Do you taste anything? Etc. This would prompt us to write down everything that our senses came up with. At the end, we would open our envelopes to see what the location was on the map and how close we were to identify it. In other exercises, it would be a picture of someone or something inside. The questions would be a little different because we were identifying a person or a thing versus a location.

With CRV, there is structure from beginning to end. To start, you have blank sheets of paper sitting in front of you ready to go. On the first page you write down your name, viewer ID, date, time, location, any monitors or observers in the room with you, any Previews of Coming Attractions (POCAs), Previews of Coming Distractions (POCDs), and anything that is on your mind that you just need to Set Aside (SAs) — and this is just the beginning. For those of us that learned Remote Viewing without the structure, it can pull us out of our zone and into ego mode in an instant, igniting the left side of our brain causing us to think too much versus letting go. Is this a bad thing? That depends on the viewer. Is it challenging? Yes. Has it been worth the time/money/effort to work through? Yes.

As an Intuitive I believe it is important to continue to grow my abilities by learning and experiencing new things. In this case, facing my Remote Viewing challenges head-on. How am I doing this? By attending a CRV Post Advanced Summit in New Mexico with Lori Williams of Intuitive Specialists. YES. I. AM! It will be five days of Extended and Controlled Remote Viewing. Do I have fear of failure (FOF)? Yes. But my need to extend my abilities to see/hear/feel/know/taste what is not right in front of me, and experience the past and future along with the present far outweighs it. 😃

Wish me luck!

Huge Hugs!




Rena Huisman
Remote Viewing Community Magazine

Author of two books, lover of everything metaphysical, and a representative for the spirit world.