Journey Beyond the Veil: Unleash Your Psychic Superpowers with This Astonishing Military-Grade Secret

Remote viewing is finally going mainstream

Hannah Brites 🔮
Remote Viewing Community Magazine


Actual photo of a military remote viewer made by Midjourney
Actual photo of a military-trained remote viewer made by Midjourney

Remote Viewing: Unlocking the Potential of Human Intuition and Unveiling the Hidden Potential of ESP

In the shadowy realms of human potential, where the whispers of intuition meet the echoes of perception, lies a powerful secret known as Remote Viewing.

Emerging from the depths of military intelligence and scientific exploration, this extraordinary technique beckons us to unlock the hidden doors of our minds and venture into a world where time and space lose their boundaries.

With each step into the uncharted territory of the human psyche, we unravel a captivating mystery, inviting us to harness the boundless power of our intuition and embark on an incredible journey of discovery that transcends the limits of our understanding… Advanced psi development

The Enigmatic Origins of Remote Viewing

The art of Remote Viewing, often referred to as Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), has captivated the human imagination for millennia.

Coined by the pioneering parapsychology researcher J.B. Rhine in 1934, ESP has deep roots in ancient wisdom. Students of Indian Yogic lore will recognize the concept in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (400 B.C.), where it is described as one of the ashta-siddhis, or psychic powers, obtained through the mastery of Yoga.

Russell Targ, a renowned Remote Viewing expert, has noted striking similarities between the instructions in the Yoga Sutra and the techniques used by U.S. remote viewers to peer into the distance and the future.

The tapestry of human history is rich with stories of clairvoyant skills used for strategic purposes.

Indian and Chinese scriptures contain tales of psychic abilities employed on the battlefield, revealing the deep-seated fascination with this extraordinary faculty of the human mind.

It wasn’t until the publication of Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder’s book, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, in 1970 that the US Government began to investigate the potential military applications of Remote Viewing seriously.

Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain

This seminal work ignited a spark within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), launching what some have dubbed the “Race for Inner Space.”

Hal Puthoff, the founder and first director of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), provides a vivid account of the program’s inception, painting a picture of the bold journey into the uncharted territories of the human psyche.

As we move deeper and deeper into the enigmatic origins of remote viewing, we weave together the threads of time, uniting ancient wisdom with modern discovery in a mesmerizing dance of intuition and knowledge that transcends the boundaries of history. Learn this technique, and you will be able to find your car keys… and maybe win big in Vegas. 🎲

Let’s continue to travel down the signal line…

Remote viewing, the early years. Image by Midjourney
Remote viewing, the early years. Image by Midjourney

The Scientific Odyssey of Remote Viewing: The Early Years

The pursuit of understanding telepathy and ESP began to weave into the fabric of scientific inquiry in the United States during the 1930s and 1940s.

J.B. Rhine and his associates at Duke University embarked on an ambitious journey to investigate these phenomena, using a set of five enigmatic ‘Zener Cards’ adorned with symbols such as squares, circles, stars, plus signs, and wavy patterns.

Zener Cards. Image credit to author

In a series of experiments, a ‘transmitting agent’ would focus their mental energy on one randomly selected card.

At the same time, a ‘receiver’ or ‘viewer’ in an adjacent room would attempt to guess the chosen symbol.

A success rate surpassing the 20% chance expectation was seen as tantalizing evidence of telepathic or ESP modes of information transfer.

Unfortunately, the quest for statistically significant results demanded thousands of repetitions, leading to a decline in performance as boredom and fatigue set in among the viewers.

To rekindle the spark of curiosity, researchers at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) replaced the Zener Cards with vivid pictures from National Geographic magazine and developed a ‘rank order’ method to quantify success rates.

Zener Cards: psychic torture tools. Image credit Hannah Brites
Zener Cards: psychic torture tools. Image credit the author

As remote viewing research evolved, it ventured into the realm of ‘test bed’ or field trials, where remote viewers would attempt to perceive and describe natural scenes or military sites housing a ‘transmitting agent’ or ‘beacon.’

Both the agent and viewer would complete identical 30-point questionnaires to assess the viewer’s success.

This innovative approach, first explored by Princeton University researchers in their Engineering Anomalies Research Program, used advanced mathematical methods developed from artificial intelligence and pattern recognition to quantify the remote viewer’s accomplishments.

In the final leg of this early RV scientific odyssey, simulating military espionage missions, the presence of a transmitting agent at the target site was deemed unnecessary.

Instead, remote viewers were given only the latitude and longitude of the site and tasked with viewing relevant military targets within the United States.

A brief summary of the outcome of the research on ‘anomalous cognition’ sponsored by the US Government is available on Edwin May’s website.

Edwin May served as the research director at the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) until the program’s official termination in 1995.

As we journey further through the labyrinth of scientific exploration in Remote Viewing, we bear witness to the unfolding of a captivating narrative that unveils the hidden potential and enigmatic nature of the human mind.

Let’s investigate further…

The Modern Beginning

In the 1960s, the United States Military and Intelligence Services embarked on a groundbreaking journey to explore the hidden potential of human intuition.

The result was a fascinating and revolutionary military-grade psychic protocol technique called Remote Viewing (RV).

From left: SRI researchers Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, retired police commissioner and RVr Pat Price, and CIA contract monitor Christopher Green in 1974 at an airport after testing Price’s remote viewing capabilities from a glider. Image copyright Russell Targ.

This intuitive skill, initially developed under scientific conditions at Stanford Research Incorporated (SRI), has since evolved into a powerful tool used for a variety of applications worldwide.

At its core, Remote Viewing is a mental ability that allows a person, known as a remote viewer, to describe subtle impressions of a target location, object, event, lifeform, or structure, among other things.

What sets RV apart from traditional psychic techniques is its adherence to a set of scientific protocols or rules, which help the viewer build incoming impressions while minimizing signal-to-noise.

The original method, called Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), was developed by Ingo Swann and has since given birth to numerous offshoots. Today, many businesses offer RV services across the globe, showcasing the ever-growing interest in this extraordinary skill.

Actual photo of the development of remote viewing. Concept art by Midjourney
Actual photo of the development of remote viewing. Concept art by Midjourney

The Journey of Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing, as a distinct practice, was created and coined in the early 1970s. Between 1972 and 1995, SRI developed Remote Viewing into a trainable skill, which was then transferred to the US military for operational data gathering.

The Power of Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing is not your typical psychic reading or fortune-telling practice. Instead, it is a rigorous scientific research tool and operational data-gathering method.

RV has been employed in criminal investigations, government intelligence work, commercial applications, and other areas where intelligence is hard to come by.

The practice of (military-grade) remote viewing is never spontaneous, and it is always conducted under blind conditions (meaning the remote viewer knows nothing about the target beforehand.

All data is fully recorded, ensuring that the information obtained could only have come from intuition and not any other form of communication.

Understanding Remote Viewing

Remote Viewing is essentially a person using their natural or developed intuitive skill to gather non-local data about a target that is remote from them in time and space.

This is done “blind” under a set of protocols or rules that distinguish Remote Viewing from classical psychic techniques and help assess the accuracy of the intuitive data.

The remote viewer is ONLY given the random target identification number to focus on while they perform the task of remote viewing.

How a blind target ID works in remote viewing

The remote viewer is only given a random (made-up) number (the target ID) to focus on which the “tasker” has associated with the target.

The remote viewer then writes that target number on a piece of paper and probes the target for information that they write down as the images and information of the target flows into their mind.

How a blind target ID works in remote viewing: the tasker wants the remote viewer to locate a missing person.

The tasker writes the details down on paper that they want the remote viewer to get information about, such as the specific location of the missing person. The tasker then folds the paper up and seals it in an envelope.

The tasker then uses a random number generator to generate a number that they now write on the envelope; this entangles the target with the target ID number.

The tasker, then, only gives the remote viewer the random number written on the envelope to work with, not the envelope. There is no frontloading of the target.

One may also have natural psychic intuitive experiences, but this is not called “remote viewing.”

Remote viewing is a trained procedure the remote viewer follows when using their psychic ability to access target data.

This RV method was developed specifically to access accurate non-local data as all psychic gathered information is in danger of being polluted by the conscious mind of the intuitive.

The more training the remote viewer receives, the more accurate the data. Natural ability also plays a role in the accuracy of a remote viewer’s data.

Like piano playing, some pianists are more naturally gifted than others, but daily training is how one becomes a professional pianist that people hire. The same is true for remote viewers.

From its top-secret beginnings as a $20 million, 23-year US military intelligence program known as the Star Gate Program, Remote Viewing has grown into a worldwide civilian community.

The original Military/DIA/CIA remote viewers are now teaching this subtle art and, with their students, are establishing private companies utilizing this skill in new and exciting ways.

Unlocking Your Inner Remote Viewer

The great news is that anyone can become a remote viewer. However, natural ability, knowledge, a method, practice, dedication, and time all contribute to the level of success one can achieve with Remote Viewing.

Training in proper RV protocols takes work, as this is a mental martial art.

Remote viewing is not a toy; it’s a method to access non-local information with the least amount of “noise” or garbage information polluting the RV data.

Learning to stay on the “signal line” of connection to the desired target takes mental training (and mental health).

Meditating for 30 minutes every day for a year will help you build the focus needed to be accurate at remote viewing after you learn to use the protocols.

Remote viewers at work. Image used by permission by our ai overlords at Midjourney. All hail our ai overlords.
Remote viewers at work. Image used by permission by our ai overlords at Midjourney. All hail our ai overlords.

The Role of Remote Viewing Methods

Remote Viewing is often practiced using a developed methodology with structured stages to help the viewer build incoming impressions while minimizing signal-to-noise.

Over time, various methods have been created, each with its own unique approach to unlocking human intuition.

A Bright Future for Remote Viewing

The ever-growing interest in Remote Viewing showcases the unlimited potential of human intuition.

As more individuals and businesses adopt and adapt these techniques to give them a cutting edge in development and innovation, the applications and benefits of Remote Viewing are bound to multiply, unlocking new possibilities for understanding the world around us.

The woo-woo label stuck on remote viewing and psychic work by years of Hollywood fiction and religious dogma is finally falling away, creating the space for serious scientific study by the mainstream scientific community.

Brain and Psi research. Image credit BRCenter

The shadowy realms of human potential

As the enigmatic tapestry of Remote Viewing continues to unfold, it reveals an intricate dance between human intuition and the veiled mysteries of the universe.

The art of RV beckons us to step into the unknown, weaving a complex web of perception that transcends the boundaries of time and space. As we venture deeper into this realm, the whispers of the unseen world grow louder, inviting us to embrace the potential that lies dormant within.

With each thread of intuition that we travel, the fabric of our understanding expands, illuminating the hidden corners of our existence and awakening a profound sense of awe and wonder.

In this ever-evolving symphony of discovery, the possibilities are as boundless as the cosmos, echoing with the promise of a brighter, more enigmatic future.

💠By Hannah Brites

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Hannah Brites 🔮
Remote Viewing Community Magazine

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