The First Remote Viewer

A modern retelling of ancient parapsychological research

Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine
8 min readMar 9, 2021


Images of a cauldron, a tortoise, a lamb, and the ruins of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, overlaid with a yellow sunburst design and the title text: "The First Remote Viewer"
Soon to be a major motion picture? Image by Grin Spickett via Canva

Last year, Frankandfriends — my fellow moderator at r/remoteviewing on Reddit — was idly reading the writings of Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian (as one does). He shared an excerpt in our team chat, for a reason that now escapes my addled brain.



Grin Spickett
Remote Viewing Community Magazine

r/remoteviewing mod, dreamer, degrees in pharmacy, business & molecular biology, Latter-day Saint priest, father, meditator, uniformed health officer, weirdo