9 Apps Your Team Should Try ASAP… that you may not know about

Justin Rockmore
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2019

The marketplace of ideas, products, and applications for collaborative and remote teams is ever-growing. G.W.A, recently shared the fact that 4.3 million+ members of the workforce work from home, with numbers on the rise.

That statistic presents an interesting opportunity for applications in the collaborative space. As a 100% remote worker, I’ve tried many of the tools released to cater to the collaborative market. Here’s a quick look at our remote work “stack”: 9 Apps Your Team Should Try ASAP that you may not know about…


Real-Time Collaboration

It shouldn't come as a surprise that RemoteHQ is on this list, the product itself is incredibly useful. I'd say this whether I worked here or not.

Our browser-based application makes virtual conferencing and collaboration easier than ever. We make it simple: click to connect, brand your own URL, change your layout in any way, and add apps to power collaboration. It's that easy.

To make your life even easier, all of the apps you use in a call store what we like to call “artifacts”, and those artifacts are tied to every call. You’ll never lose the notes, files, chat messages, or recordings from a call again.

Check it Out: https://www.remotehq.com


Messaging & Communication

Twist promises a 'distraction-free teamwork app'. Taking queues from Slack, but improving in the areas of clarity and prioritization.

Conversations stay organized & on-topic and information is easy to find & search. Twist's thread-based approach to messaging serves as a great medium between Slack & email. Ensuring your asynchronous communication is always: on topic, calm, and productive.

Check it Out: https://twist.com



Fans of Notion & AirTable rejoice! Coda promises “a new canvas that blends tables and text together”. Does it deliver? Absolutely.

Offering a workspace as unified as Slack, for everything that isn’t team communication. Every page is completely customizable, and templates exist to improve your workflow too. Coda is a great alternative, and potentially replacement, for traditional documentation.

Check it Out: https://coda.io/


Search & Organization

If you think Slack's search is powerful, imagine if it pulled its data from everywhere. That's what FYI does.

Allowing access to your various accounts (Dropbox, Slack, Google Drive, etc.) lets FYI curate and help you easily find any content. With a promise to "Find your documents in 3 clicks or less", FYI exceeds expectations 10x.

Check it Out: https://usefyi.com


Project & Task Management

"Workspaces" seem to be all-the-rage in nowadays, and Flow is no exception. Offering a dead-simple project-management tool, Flow differentiates with gorgeous UI (they just redesigned too!)

Flow makes it easy for your team to set personal, or team related goals and to track progress. You can easily rank, plan, and track projects and tasks from beginning to end.

Check it Out: https://www.getflow.com/


Forms & Data Collection

Jot is a little different than other apps on this list. Rather than being a collaborative workspace-type tool, Jot lets you gather data...easily.

Their tagline "Create online forms and publish them. Get an email for each response. Collect data.", highlights how simple the program is to use. Forms are customizable and you can integrate with the tools you use most as well.

Check it Out: https://www.jotform.com/


Email & Social Inbox Management

Missive serves the market in a few ways. Striving to solve the problems of team inbox management, and to help you manage your busy inboxes (even without a team).

What makes Missive interesting, is that they define "Inbox" as far more than Gmail and iCloud. They make any inbox collaborative, Facebook Messenger and Twitter included among others. Using Missive you can not only manage all of your inboxes from one place but also delegate tasks to other team members too.

Check it Out: https://missiveapp.com/


Inbox Management for Everything / Free

In a similar fashion to Missive, Shift aims to make managing your inboxes, easier - just a little differently.

The "desktop app for streamlining your accounts, apps, and workflows", is Shift's promise. By merging your inboxes (Messenger, Slack, Gmail) into one window - they make good on that promise. You'll never miss a message again if you're monitoring Shift.

Check it Out: https://tryshift.com/


Email Redefined / Free

I haven’t had the pleasure of using Superhuman yet, but everyone I know who has loves it. Superhuman successfully combines a unique UI, speed, and traditional email inbox. What they’ve created not only makes email easier to answer but makes you feel…dare I say…Superhuman?

Join the Waitlist: https://superhuman.com/

