RemoteHQ for Google Calendar Launch

Justin Rockmore
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2019

Scheduling sessions can be difficult…

……and as a remote team constantly hosting virtual RemoteHQ sessions, we’ve found that Google Calendar is used by companies & individuals far and wide for scheduling.

In part due to our own experience, and based largely on user feedback — we’d like to introduce you to something new. The RemoteHQ Google Calendar Extension.

By installing the extension, here, we’ve made it even easier to schedule a session via RemoteHQ that fits your calendar. Once installed, one click and you’re able to add any RemoteHQ room you own directly to the events you create in Google Calendar.

Once you select the option to “Add RemoteHQ Room”, you’ll be asked in the Event Details view which room you’d like to set the session in. Toggling between your rooms not only shares that room’s URL but also the dial-in information, just in case participants are on-the-go.

Scheduling a RemoteHQ Session Is That Easy

Haven’t given RemoteHQ a try yet? We go beyond just video conferencing

RemoteHQ is the fastest platform for remote collaboration. Everything you need is right in your browser. Meeting rooms are easily accessed via user-friendly URLs, no download required. We go beyond video conferencing to connect you to the applications and virtual resources you need to get work done.

Try using RemoteHQ to host your next team meeting, sales demo, support call, or training session — and reach out to us at with any feedback!

