Benefits of Hiring Freelancers

Ayush Jain
The Journal of Remote Work
4 min readDec 23, 2019

Over the last decade, freelancers have transformed the way we work and do business. The labor workforce is constantly becoming more fluid, embracing flexibility, and slowly shifting away from the classical 9-to-5 working hours. Companies that can adapt to change are certainly the ones that will get the upper hand. Most likely than not, your business needs skilled and knowledgeable professionals, but most of the companies/businesses don’t have highly skilled employees these days. So, they rely upon a team of freelancers instead. There is a need for hiring freelancers who deliver quality work.

Here are the top benefits of hiring freelancers:

  • You can save money

Companies spend extra money apart from the basic salary of the employees. These costs include office rent, IT infrastructure, office supplies, recruitment costs, and employee benefits such as medical insurance, employment taxes, and other expenses. Freelancers cost less to businesses than employees do. One can easily save extra costs by hiring freelancers.

  • You get quality work

Successful freelancers have plenty of incentives to deliver high-quality work, and they prove that they don’t need to physically present to provide quality work. Freelancers have their success metrics, not based on the number of projects engaged but the number of successful projects. So, freelancers know that if they don’t provide quality work to their clients, their future will be at risk. Therefore, freelancers make sure to deliver quality work to their clients.

  • You can get your work done on time

Freelancers are continuously focused on performing a superb job on time. On average, freelancers work 39 hours per week. For freelancers, reliability and exceeding your expectations are on high priorities, as they fully understand that exceeding the client’s expectations and meeting the deadlines are great ways to make a profit and be hired for other projects in the future.

  • You will find it easier working with flexible freelancers

Freelancers are much more flexible than a standard employee, and they are often available at short notice to fulfil a sudden demand that your business needs. Your freelancer could be working for your business after you’re done for the day. You’ll likely find it much easier by hiring freelancers as they can work at odd hours, on weekends, and over the holidays.

  • You can enjoy freelancers’ broader experience

Freelancers have broad experience as they have been in the business for many years, working with different individuals and companies. Hiring a freelancer benefits you in leveraging the knowledge and expertise of someone who has worked on various projects with successful companies and put that experience to ensure that your business succeeds.

  • You get experts for your business

Freelancers are skilled professionals as they work for different companies. By working on various projects, they add expertise in their skill sets. 61% of freelancers specialise in 2 to 3 talents. Freelancers who have broad skillsets can offer multiple services to your business.

  • Freelancers encourage innovation in your business

Freelancers are more innovative and keep up to date with new ideas and technology, as well as being extremely receptive to suggestions. Freelancers help in generating new ideas for your business and easily put them into practice. And also provide a valuable contribution to the business as well as provide support and engagement. Therefore, freelancers come up with novel solutions to your business issues.

Here are some startling statistics of freelancers:


Are you convinced by the benefits that you will get after hiring freelancers for your business? Of course, there are a few risks associated with hiring freelancers that you should check out before taking the leap. With freelancers, you will be able to get quality work on time, save costs, meet deadlines, etc. without any burden. Whether you need full-time support or need for part-time, freelancers are available to fill in the gaps whenever you need them.

Hire your best match on RemotePanda and take a look at our specialized talent available now!

About RemotePanda:

RemotePanda is a global marketplace for remote workers. Our concierge service means you have someone to take care of your needs right from profile matching to hiring and throughout the project. We set the KPIs for the work and build accountability within the process for the remote worker.
Thinking Freelancers, Think RemotePanda

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Ayush Jain
The Journal of Remote Work

Sculpting ideas and turning them into reality, CEO and Founder of Mindbowser, Chapter Director of StartupGrind Pune