RemotePanda-Best Freelance Platform in 2019

Ayush Jain
The Journal of Remote Work
5 min readOct 11, 2019

The freelance market is becoming competitive day by day with more professionals. Many freelancing websites offer to provide you the best match, but when it comes to certainty, no one offers a guarantee on it. When someone is hiring freelancers, there is a bit of uncertainty they have in mind regarding whether freelancers will do good work or would they leave in the middle? Would the freelancers do a good quality job, or would they do things shabbily? So, there is always a set of uncertainty for any entrepreneur or any person hiring freelancers. Many times hiring becomes difficult because of such possibilities.

This is why when we incepted RemotePanda, our vision was to build a platform that makes sure you experience certainty with freelancers. This means you are guaranteed to get your work done on time with quality.

Why is Certainty required from Freelancers?

Failure is a big scary word for all of us and something we try to avoid throughout our lives. It is even more terrifying for entrepreneurs who are trying to build something novel often with fewer means. In fact, that is the reason most people turn to freelancers. There is a lot at stake. If freelancers fail, the project fails, and so does the entrepreneur.

RemotePanda gives you certainty in this relationship to prevent project failure, which causes stress and loss.

The certainty with RemotePanda benefits you to

  • Build more with freelancers
  • Save cost and time by avoiding repeat work
  • Get to market faster
  • Build a team with freelancers

Why do existing marketplaces do not guarantee results?

There are many freelancing marketplaces in the world which mainly focus on finding the best match for you. But the question that arises here is whether finding the best match is enough for you or is there is more to be done?

Most projects are not a simple engagement that involves a one-time transaction like buying soap; Most projects are rather a complex engagement that requires efforts at multiple levels to be able to create real value. An entrepreneur has 100s of things to take care of at any time. Now while finding good freelancers is a start, there has to be a constant push for doing the right things at the right time.

This can happen only by getting involved deeply in any project.

Most freelancing platforms are focusing on the scale, and scaling does not low touch on engagements.

RemotePanda, on the other hand, has its success metrics not on the basis of the number of projects engaged but the number of successful projects.

RemotePanda is the only freelancing platform which gives 100% guarantee for certainty

RemotePanda is the best platform where you can experience certainty with Freelancers.

RemotePanda not only gives you the best match but also focuses on providing guaranteed quality output.

This allows entrepreneurs and start-ups to hire freelancers with peace of mind since they know that things will be taken care of by RemotePanda.

How RemotePanda bring in certainty?

  • Being a party to the contract

RemotePanda remains as a party to the contract. This means that RemotePanda is also responsible for any mishap, as its name is there in agreement.

  • Customer Success Manager

RemotePanda assigns a dedicated Customer Success Manager when the engagement starts. The customer success manager will be communicating with the freelancers regularly to manage the project plan and KPIs throughout the project.

Success Manager ensures smooth communication between freelancers and customers and provides timely updates to the customer regarding the progress.

Weekly calls are scheduled on a mutually decided day and time between all parties to share updates and bring everyone on the same page.

  • Pre-Vetted Candidates

Freelancers will go through a stringent vetting process to determine and verify qualification(s). The access to showcasing one’s profile on the RemotePanda platform is by invitation only. Once a request is accepted, then the freelancer will go through a stringent vetting process. You can select and shortlist potential candidates by their profile detailing and proven skillsets.

  • Industry SOPs

RemotePanda follows Industry SOPs by signing industry standards contracts to make sure that you are well covered on your risk. Unlike other platforms, RemotePanda also helps you in forming the right SOPs for your project. This benefits in achieving quality results and uniformity of performance while reducing miscommunication and failure.

  • Set-up of KPIs

RemotePanda sets up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to celebrate success and identify risk. KPIs help in decision making. Setting up KPIs gives you an idea of want you want, where you have been, where you are now, and where and how to get where you want to be. It also strengthens employee morale and fosters personal growth.

  • Limited proposals

It’s effortless to find freelancers on RemotePanda as there is a 97% rejection rate that ensures you are working with a top 3% freelancers of the world. Prevetted proposals mean you only receive top recommendations.

On average, our customers can choose 1 out of 2 proposals successfully. This helps in saving a lot of time.


So, by reading the points mentioned above, you can easily conclude that RemotePanda is the best freelancing marketplace where certainty is essential with freelancers. Also, it’s super essential for entrepreneurs as it saves time and resources.

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Ayush Jain
The Journal of Remote Work

Sculpting ideas and turning them into reality, CEO and Founder of Mindbowser, Chapter Director of StartupGrind Pune