A Book a Day: How to Read One Book Every Day

I tried it for a week and this is what I learned about the process

Valentin Perez
Re Human


For years, I’ve been attracted to the idea of “reading one book every day”.

How much would I learn? Is it sustainable?

Would I have to stop doing everything else?

Seemed like a time-consuming challenge.

Sounded cool, but was it worth it?

I hadn’t tried it because committing to “one book a day” is an arbitrary constraint.

What I care about when reading a book is learning and enjoying, not whether I finish it in a day.

Even so, I thought it would be a fun experiment to read one book every day, for a week.

Here’s what I read every day of the week, with links to my notes for each book:


My notes:



Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of learnmonthly.com. I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week. valentinperez.com