Day 3, Book 3: The End of Jobs

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2019

For fun, I’m reading a book a day, for a week.

Today’s Book:

My 30 Second Takeaway:

If you want meaning, money, and freedom, you should become more entrepreneurial. It’s more accessible, safer, and profitable than ever before. We’re transitioning into an economy of individual entrepreneurs. Create your own job.

The Notes (as I listened):

Every system has leverage points, even your life, and your career.

Entrepreneurship is a path to more freedom and more meaning.

Because of tech and globalization, we have so much more agency than ever.

India is producing > 1 million IT engineering graduates.

Jobs are becoming increasingly commoditized.

Tip: figure out what’s the current bottleneck in whatever system you’re trying to optimize.

First economy: limit is land. Agriculture.

Second economy: limit is capital. Banks.

Third economy: limit is knowledge workers. Corporations. Information economy.

Fourth economy: limit is creativity. Entrepreneurial economy. From corporations to individuals / entrepreneurs.

What used to require large companies has now been available to individual entrepreneurs.

Knowledge is already abundant

Good guiding question: how can I become more entrepreneurial?

(Instead of how can I be an entrepreneur)

Entrepreneurship is more accessible, safer, and profitable than ever.

The longer we go without accumulating and dealing with randomness and variability, the less we’re good at dealing with it when it inevitably strikes.

Be in systems that give you feedback.

(In Entrepreneurship, the market gives you feedback)

All companies and people are media companies.

The internet Fattens the long tail of markets. Things that were too niche to build a business in any geographical area are now big enough in the internet.

One path to becoming more entrepreneurial:

  1. Build one-time fee product. Build your distribution.
  2. Launch a couple of these to build confidence and buy time.
  3. Then there’s enough reason to work full time / as much as you want.

Hunter gathers worked enough to just live, then they explored and played

Humans like to work but dislike the obligation to work.

Jobs create a link between time and money; you need to spend time to earn money. You also give out control.

Mint was bought by intuit for 170M two years after it was founded.

PhD or Podcast?

More time and freedom creates space to create more time and freedom.

Tip: Planning on a 90-day timeframe.

Hope you learned something cool or useful!

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m also doing this while improving across 15 areas each week.

This is one of my Re Human project experiments.

Read my notes on the next book. Read my notes on the previous book.



Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.